Brother Dear Brother/Oniisama E... (14)

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-03-21 09:16 ID:Heaven

Yup. J.A. Seazer has done tons of work outside of (and many many years before) Utena.
He did arrangements for Morita Douji's Mother Sky and several Kazuki Tomokawa works.
Of course he also did the soundtracks to almost all of Shuji Terayama's (Ikuhara's biggest inspiration) films and performances which were always amazing. This sort of work is most similar to Utena's music.

He is an incredible composer and was WAY ahead of his time.
The 1971 punk/psych/whatever sounds of Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets sounds very contemporary. Maybe still ahead of even our time.

I like to think Rei's death was accidental.
Her life had suddenly become a beautiful thing.. although she had been so reckless in the past, I don't think her recent change of mind would allow her to throw away such a delicate thing.

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