Cute girl thread (1000)

640 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-09 23:58 ID:Heaven

             / ,  _,.   -‐ァ ,、      \
            /  / /     // ヽ       \
          /  /-'―  _/ ´―- 、ヽ       ',
          ,′ i′           ヽ|         l
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        |   | ィ´:::}'     {:::::::l\  |      |
        | ,|/弋ン   ,.  弋_ソ  l |.        | Will this thread be the first to get 1000 in /ascii/?
        |:.:.{ノ    }⌒{       } -|.:.:. . .:. .  l Kareha does not close threads automatically.
       |:.:.ト---‐′ ヽ、_____,ノ  |:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.l I wonder what will happen.
.         |:.:.',                |:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:./ Maybe it's one of those things you only understand
.        |:.l:.\    ゚        |:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:./ when you are old enough...
          l∧,ハ/')、           _,.|:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:./
         ′ / /__ `7 _┬   _|Vj/∨∨ル′
         / ´ -┤__ノ   ̄ ̄  \_
          r|   _┤: l:{ー ^ー ^ァ' ̄: :\
       /い、_ノ-': : :ヽ=:=:´: : : : : : : : ヽ

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