Become an SJIS artist today! (16)

1 Name: Shii 2006-02-19 00:13 ID:3CuRe8+I

@@@@@@Using iL„tMjEdit makes SJIS art fun!
@|i ฿[฿j@@.|˜ค@_
@|i@ฝฝ@„ | IBM |

2 Name: Shii 2006-02-19 00:19 ID:3CuRe8+I

จ Just imagine, this could be you! ฉ

@@@@ศ ศQ__@You couldn't be...? @ศศ
@ @^(*฿\฿)@^_@@@@@@@@@@@i฿[฿ j ƒ@Yes! I'm the famous SJIS artist!
@^|PพพP|_^@@@@@@@@@@. i@@ j@@@My work appears in popular SJIS magazines.
@ @|@ @ @ @ |^@@@@@@@@@@@@ |@|@|
@ @ PPPP@@@@@@@@@@@@ˆๆˆๆˆ@but I can't draw feet lol

3 Name: Shii 2006-02-19 00:32 ID:3CuRe8+I

@@@@ศ ศQ__@@@@ ^PPPPPPPPP
@ @^( ฿[฿)@ ^_@ƒ@It's so easy, you'll be slapping yourself for not doing it earlier!
@^|PพพP|_^@ „  Just head on down to the iL„tMjEdit homepage:
@ @|CATBOX.|^@ @ „
@ @ PPPP

iL„tMjEdit@|_@@If you can manage to click on the link properly
PPPPP | @_ in Firefox, YOU = KAMI. Take this as a sign that
@@@@@@@@''ƒw_it was meant to be. (If you can't click it, go away)

ƒ~„ฌ„ฑ„ญNow, go to Regional Options on the Control Panel
ƒ~„ฐ„ด„ฒand set your locale to Japanese. This will screw up
@„ฏ„ณ„ฎmost of your software, but it's worth it.

4 Name: Shii 2006-02-19 00:45 ID:3CuRe8+I

| iL„DMjEdit - NewFile1.txt@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@u|vuŽOvuXv|
| ‚ำ‚Ÿ‚ข‚้i‚ej@‚ว‚”‚Œ‚‡G‚„u‚ฆi‚rj@‚ค‚ฅ‚’‚Š‚ำ‚ก‚วi‚oj@ƒwƒ‹ƒviH)@@@@@@ |
||NewFile1.txt |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | ะ | t |ง|@@@@@ @ .|
||PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP| |Q PPPPPPP| |
|| Here we are in the main interface.@@@@@@.| | 1 |@@„ก„ฆ„ข„Ÿ@@ | |
|| You'd better set up a key for switching@@@ | | 2 |@@„ฅ„ฉ„ง„ @@ | |
|| between IME and English. You can click on@ | | 3 |@@„ค„จ„ฃ@@@@| |
|| one of the glyphs on the right to put it@@@ .| | 4 |@@„ฌ„ฑ„ญ„ช@@ | |
|| at the cursor position. i@LอMj@@@@@@ @ | | 5 |@@„ฐ„ด„ฒ„ซ@@ | |
||@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .| | 6 |@@„ฏ„ณ„ฎ@ @@.| |
||QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ| |Q|QQQQQQQ| .|

5 Name: Shii 2006-02-19 00:56 ID:3CuRe8+I

@„ @ @SJIS Academy ^PPPPPPPPPPP
@„  @@@@ ศศ@@ B | There are a lot of stock SJIS arts you can use.
@„  @@@@i@฿[฿j^ƒ You need to find a file called mojidata.lzh and stick it into
@„ค„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿi@@@ฝ„Ÿ | a piece of shit named gGikopeh. But that's for another day...
@@@@@@ |PPPP| @_QQQQQQQQQQQ
@ @i@@@@j@i@@@@j@i@@@@j
@ @i@@@@j@i@@@@j@i@@@@j
@ i@@@@j@i@@@@j@i@@@@j
@ i@@@@j@i@@@@j@i@@@@j

6 Name: Shii 2006-02-19 00:57 ID:3CuRe8+I

@@@ | |@| ||@@| | |@| |@| ||
a| |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| a|
@@--- ƒฐ((i;L[Mj)) _
@@@ ^@ |PPPP|
@@ ศQศ@@ศQศ@@ศQศ
@@i@@@@j@i @ @@j@i @ @@j@ƒ@NNN
@ ศQศ@j ศQศ@j.ศQศ@j
@i@@@@j@i @ @@j@i @ @@j@@ƒ@NNN

7 Name: Shii 2006-02-19 01:04 ID:3CuRe8+I

Alternative methods (trace.exe, u‚ซ‚ฒ‚คv):

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