Object.-oriented programming (54)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/10(Mon)16:07 ID:E5bmKDvc

We need a good flamewar in here.

Thus! Object-oriented programming: Does it suck or what?

2 Name: !#usr/bin/anon 05/01/10(Mon)20:25 ID:Heaven

Ruby lol

3 Name: MAD-Leser!r4YvKJpWUc 05/01/10(Mon)21:50 ID:nGxHCmQO

just imagine what ruby would be without OO concepts! instead of

if patterns.any? {|pattern| elementAtHand =~ pattern}
# do stuff

you'd be writing, taking some pseudocode as an example,

my $atLeastOnePatternMatches;
foreach(@patterns) {if ($elementAtHand =~ $_) {$atLeastOnePatternMatches = true; last}}
if ($atLeastOnePatternMatches) {
#do stuff

or something. this would be just like writing in perl! think about it for a minute and the answer to the initial question should become clear.

4 Name: !#usr/bin/anon 05/01/10(Mon)22:50 ID:Heaven

faps to NeXTSTEP

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