Objective-C (11)

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-20 22:05 ID:Vq7ItYhn

Update! Update! Update!

After using it for a couple of months, I've gotten more used to some of the weird idiosyncracies, and I can almost balance my retains and releases now! Almost. I even sort of enjoy some of the more reckless and crazy parts of the language. On a good day, it almost reminds me of Perl.

However, I also found more utterly retarded idiocy. For instance, what is up with NSArray and friends, and nil? Adding nil to an array or dictionary appears to be completely arbitarily forbidden. Having empty elements in an array is an obvious and useful feature, and forbidding it is pretty dumb.

Especially since the language adds the NSNullobject to give you a null object to add to arrays. This last parts leaves me speechless. First you forbid an arbitary action, and then you work around it. What is this, religion?

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