Banning Frontend (22)

1 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-09-20 03:27 ID:I47yOJ/B

Okay, so squeeks wants a frontend to handle the file that deals with banned IPs for 4-ch. The way the file works right now is that apache reads in a list of IP addresses in a file, one per line, with comments afterward, i.e.: #for spamming

The frontend would need to provide an interface for adding/reading the IPs, and making sure the file is formatted correctly (no blank lines, etc.)

There needs to be some way to obfuscate the IP addresses so that, even though they're listed correctly within the file, the interface shows something else, a la tripcodes. That way the moderators/administration never see anyone's IP addresses, they just see unique strings by which they can identify the posters. The difference here, of course, is that the process has to be reversable so that the frontend can switch between writing actual IPs and displaying the obfuscated string to the moderators.

anyway, DISCUSS.

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