Haskell confusion (81)

43 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2006-03-29 16:13 ID:Heaven

Heh. Sorry about that. I'm used to a far lesser breed of people who hang out on programming boards. The "what's the printf command in C++ do???" kind. So I kind of assumed that like a true Internet hero, you'd read the IO monad part of the so-called "gentle introduction", grabbed a tight hold of "a two parts hubris, two parts misunderstanding and one part knowledge" and ran to where your parents wouldn't hear.

Mea culpa.

(Oh, friction between Haskell and Perl people. Who'da thunk it!) Certainly curried functions aren't without their issues, yet their immediate benefits in "real world code" as I've seen are so significant as to make me wonder if your distaste was really rooted somewhere else than mostly effortless partial application. Which is kind of odd, seeing as Perl is the vaguely C-like language where parentheses around function parameters are explicitly optional. I dare you however to present me with a day-to-day programming langage construct that was not without issues.

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