It's time to write the DQN theme song! (90)

1 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 19:09 ID:p4nrUZHo [Del]

>>30 is the title of the song
>>7,9,8 is the first verse
>>52-55 is the chorus
>>40,39,77 is the second verse
>>4 is the final line

the full lyrics: >>7,9,8,52-55,40,39,77,52-55,4

2 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 19:09 ID:p4nrUZHo [Del]

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Oppai! Oppai!

3 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 19:45 ID:v9lUWmg7 [Del]

It must be performed by the NEETles.

4 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 21:09 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

lol internet

5 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 21:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

in the dark valley of west

6 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 23:37 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

in the spunk valley of DQN

7 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 00:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

la la la la la la la

8 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

Post deleted by user.

9 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:26 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

fuck my anal

10 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:27 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

8>> "Post deleted by user." You fucked up teh song assfuck!

11 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 13:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

So remix it later.

12 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 14:03 ID:v9lUWmg7 [Del]

As some of you already know, Japanese VIPPERS have their own theme song.

the Neetles

13 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 17:15 ID:EK6U6GaP [Del]

               | おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい!!! |
おっぱい! おっぱい   < おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい!!! >
   ☆           | おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい!!!_|
     ヽ   ☆        ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨
       =≡= ∧_∧          ☆。:.+:  ∧_∧     おっぱい! おっぱい〜
        / 〃(・∀・ )  シャンシャン        ( ・∀・)  ♪.:。゚*
      〆  ┌\と\と.ヾ∈≡∋ゞ      / ̄ヽ/,― 、\ o。。。    おっぱい! おっぱい〜
       ||  γ ⌒ヽヽコ ノ ||         | ||三∪●)三mΕ∃.
   ドコドコ || ΣΣ  .|:::|∪〓 ||         \_.へ--イ\  ゚ ゚ ゚
.     /|\人 _.ノノ ||. /|\  ∧_∧     (_)(_)   ☆:.°+
                      ( ・∀・ )っτ        。::.☆ο
おっぱい! おっぱい      ♪〜 ( つ‡ /  |   おっぱい! おっぱい〜
                      |  (⌒) |  ☆1
     ♪     ∬∬ おっぱい! おっぱい〜 彡  し'⌒^ミ A 〃
    ∧_∧  ( ‘)     / ̄ ̄ ̄    ̄ ̄/.|      ∧_∧ ____
    ( ・∀・)_//      | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| .|      ( ・∀・) _/
  _( (   / Cミ       | THE NEETLES   | .|  .    (\ ∧//     〜♪
  \((○ ̄ /_        |            .|/       >、\ξ)   〜♪
 Σソ\_/(_)ミ                          /∠(,,,)>\
    (_)                             (_) \| (_)

14 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 17:17 ID:Heaven [Del]


> When I find myself in times of job
> Mother Mary comes to me
> Speaking words of wisdom, let me neet.
> And in my hour of my room
> She is standing right in front of me
> Speaking words of wisdom, let me neet.
> let me neet, let me neet, let me neet, let me neet.
> If you work then you're loser, let me neet.

That's hilarious!

15 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 22:28 ID:s5ovj1kb [Del]

Waiting for >>40 to come.

16 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 07:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

What about the music?

17 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 13:43 ID:nky9s+pZ [Del]

Lyrics are first, apparently.

18 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 13:56 ID:bBYRNZtG [Del]

I think we should just steal a song and karaoke over it.

19 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 14:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

20 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 18:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

It kinda sounds like music if you exaggerate a lot when pronouncing the lyrics.

21 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 19:15 ID:a4EJXib6 [Del]


22 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 19:18 ID:PXbanDi2 [Del]

That's poetry.

23 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4153 19:05 ID:Heaven [Del]


24 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 02:06 ID:rSqCeaP3 [Del]

let's get >>7,9,8,52-55,40,39,77,52-55,4 by DQN theme song!

25 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 02:22 ID:flpcvF4b [Del]

What kind of musical genre do you guys prefer?

26 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 04:42 ID:he2wq7d7 [Del]


27 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 05:05 ID:vTTE7xJx [Del]


         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < I LIKE COUNTRY!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)

28 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 07:03 ID:Heaven [Del]


29 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 13:29 ID:QzvOp6Xw [Del]

As for me, it's Kouyama Mitsuki!

30 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 16:08 ID:Heaven [Del]


31 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 16:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


32 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 21:56 ID:mab1aMGx [Del]

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Oppai! Oppai!

I like smooth jazz, rap, and shit

33 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4155 10:34 ID:i+SBjPHr [Del]

         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < I AM BURAKKU METARU!!orzorz
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)

34 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4155 11:13 ID:FC+CD7JD [Del]

Who can compose in mixture of rock, countly, jpop, somooth jazz, rap and black metal.

35 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 08:15 ID:Nh6FL/LO [Del]

Needs more bass.

(Fan of power metal, mostly!)

36 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 16:01 ID:VJ9YGDy8 [Del]

age for >>39

37 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:29 ID:ZTiuVDto [Del]

Awaiting >>39, ok.

38 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]


39 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]

in my

40 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]

a bag of JISAKU JIEN

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