( LƒÖ`) Grandpa (1019)

1 Name: Not in Employment, Education or Training 1993-09-4299 18:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) hello kids!

901 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 21:56 [no]

(EÍE) oh lol i c wut u did thar

902 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 22:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Heh heh heh... people used to love that routine...

903 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 23:24 [no]

(EÍE) Granpa! Will our thread end if we 1000GET, or will it go on forever?

904 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 23:39 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Good DQN never die, they just get permasaged.

905 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4414 23:42 [no]

( LƒÖ`)It will go on forever if we sage all other threads so we stay near the top.

906 Name: bhb.NJHtRg!273AcrZimE 1993-09-4415 02:48 [no]

(EÍE) Grandpa, you will die soon LOL LOL LOL

907 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 02:50 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Oh don't worry son, you'll die someday too. Let us meet again in the next life!!

( LƒÖ`)ߥ:.¡.:¥ß

908 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 04:28 [no]

(EÍE) I was a North American Fall Webworm in my past life. Ah, those were the good old days.

909 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 04:51 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Junior, isn't it amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock?

( LƒÖ`) Kiddo, get me some scissors!61!

910 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 06:27 [no]

(EÍE) Fission Mailed!

911 Name: bhb.NJHtRg!273AcrZimE 1993-09-4415 06:59 [no]

@@@@@ (EÍE) @purezento
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912 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 08:42 [no]

( LƒÖ`) "Fission Mailed"? what

913 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 09:48 [no]

(EÍE) What about new threads?

914 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 12:44 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Sonny, I'll never answer your questions again.

915 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 13:39 [no]

(EƒŸE) Grandpa, why won't you answer my questions again?

916 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 13:48 [no]

( LƒÖ`) What a beautiful day.

917 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 14:32 [no]

(EƒŸE) Come on Grandpa, I need you to share more of your wisdom!

918 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 14:37 [no]

( iœ)Īªª²(œj) I am DQN. I order you, Grandpa, to continue answering questions.

919 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 15:23 [no]

( LƒÖ`) 12000 years ago, I loved you! Under the tree of life.

920 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 17:56 [no]

(EƒŸE) I don't like where this thread is going..

921 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 17:58 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Nurupo

922 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 18:12 [no]

(EƒŸE) Grandpa, what happen?

923 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 18:22 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Maybe I should nap a little.

924 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 19:40 [no]

( E„DE) Grandpa, my anus is bleeding...

925 Name: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL 1993-09-4415 21:04 [no]

( LƒÖ`) Always chew your food, Junior.

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.