[IRC] Desynching channels [Haxoring] (3)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 21:11 [no]

Some people wanted to know how to do this, so I wrote this little guide. Enjoy.

To desynch a channel:

Make 2 connections on the same channel. #1 is an op, whereas #2 is not. In #1, write an alias "mop" as follows:

alias mop {
op $$1
dop $$1

In #2, write this remote script:

on 1:OP:#<channelnamehere>:{
if $opnick == $me { dop $nick }

Go to client #1, type /mop <#2's_nickname>. It should come out like this on #2's client:

Nick1 sets mode: +o Nick2
Nick2 sets mode: -o Nick1
Nick1 sets mode: -o Nick2

Voila! It is now desynched.

Comments? Too bad.

2 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 21:33 [no]

  1. what is the point

3 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 21:33 [no]


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