Piro's Ruri porn-- libel, or fact? (564)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4554 02:54 [no]


315 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4620 23:42

so we're at 315 posts, and still no porn? FAIL.

316 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4621 03:08

image is expired, please to repost

317 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4621 05:18


It wasn't that great.

318 Name: 270 : 1993-09-4621 18:59

It was a fake picture. Now you can go to the Internet Archive and get the REAL THING, then get him to sign that.

319 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4621 20:16


Those don't seem to work; we're talking about Largo's postings of the Blurred images, right?

320 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4621 21:35

i was there back when fred used to hang out on #fs, back when Ssserpent, Armitage, and such were on the channel. Fred drew the work and posted it originally on megatokyo.. Later, the images would move to omoikane.net. Rod owned both sites back then, but Fred owns both now.

There were 6(?) pictures, which were 'censored' creatively (different styles of blurs. primitive photoshop effects and such), and were also available uncensored. they weren't well-drawn. All of the drawings featured a single female anime character, aged 14-18ish. Only one or two featured nudity below the waist, and another 1-2 above the waist.

i assume rodney has both the censored and uncensored images still -- maybe some of the other oldbies do, too. Oneshot, Pyee, Cortana, etc. I lost my archive of the pictures when my HD crashed in april 2005.

Anyway, it's very, very real, and very much a part of fred's history that he does not want released to the public.. but at the same time, i don't see why people are like, ":o fred drew pr0nz!1!" -- so what? he's since decided that he dislikes hentai. are people not allowed to change their minds about things?

PS: check the omoikane.net WHOIS information, then check the main page's source code. He deleted all the files, but he didn't get rid of all of the references to his past.

321 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4621 22:05

can you ask the oldbies who might provide them? maybe they'd want to but they haven't heard about this whole comedy

322 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4622 06:35

>>321 I have a feeling they'd fear for they lives if they were to be found out as the leakers.

323 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4622 07:40

i know cortana is on fred's side and directly responsible for the coverup (pretty obvious, since he siteadmins megatokyo and 4chan)

324 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4622 08:50

Man, at least two or three images have made it to 4chan /b/ without disappearing instantaneously. So yeah, it's very real, though all of it has since not been seen all at once.

Nah. It's the "OI EM MISTOR CLEAN NOW" mentality, plus the "hey I'll ask my hideous beast of a wife to ask her friends to hide and conceal my past!" shit that provoked /b/ originally. Not that I mind, I hate megatokyo as much as any anti-weeaboo activist.

And this BLINKING TEXT in the EDIT FIELD is driving me FUCKING NUTS.

325 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4622 19:01

Gallagher, Frederick **
525 E Michigan Ave #360
Saline, MI 48176
Phone: 734-332-4877
Fax: 123 123 1234

Go nuts!

326 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4629 19:34

whois info from omoikane.net, linking Fred directly to his art (unlike the "shrouded in mystery" bullshit that the wikipedia article for Fred Gallagher reaks of...

I've been looking into this for the past few days, and while finding all sorts of evidence to the existance of the loli pictures, I still haven't seen them anywhere (save the two archived by the Wayback Machine). Searching efforts paid off for anyone else? Any upload to a random image host and link would be very much appreciated; and Fred's minions can't take it down so fast..

327 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4629 19:42

>>325 here; bump for truth in >>326.

Maybe if we do the image host upload and post it in the MT forums they'd have to acknowledge it somehow. Not quite a forum invasion, but let's get the word out and public.

328 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4629 19:52

That would require having the image set - which I've only got the two.. but I've seen the shirtless one on /b/ before it suddenly vanished. And for >>320 we're not looking to ruin anyone's life so much as just see what the fuck the big deal is. They act like he murdered someone.

Anyhow, Cortana brags about having the full set, I wonder if it's something he's got on his HD to fap to. Could always get it from there ;) Yet, someone has to simply have saved them from the site! Where are they hiding??

329 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4629 20:37


Largo's compy somewhere.

How hard would it be to trace Cortana's IP from his Wikipedia stuff and hax0r?

It can't be all that bad. This world needs more softcore Ayu ecchi/hentai.

330 Name: Really Fucking Obvious : 1993-09-4629 20:46

Do you really, REALLY want to see Prio's porn THAT BAD?
For fuck's sake there's better stuff out there...
I'm not sure why some of you are so infatuated with it.

331 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4629 22:23


You're right. Why not post some of your mom or your sister instead.

332 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 00:24

It's not about seeing shitty porn, it's about seeing shitty porn that Fred and conspirators don't want us to see and are actively trying to hide. It's more of a game than anything, now - and for the sake of all /b/tards, I'm not forfeiting to Fred

333 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 02:21

@@iQ_j@@ @@
@ iQQj@@@@
@i QQ j@@ @
@i@EÍEj@ƒ@My name is Piro and my Ruri porn is proof that I'm a hypocrite!
@i‚Â@@ ‚Â @@
@b b@|@@@@

334 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 02:23

Has nobody archived all of the known images yet on the web? Failing that, surely someone has them somewhere offline... I find it impossible to believe that a few people lacking real power could successfully censor the internet like this..

335 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 02:45


Go and check out >>306; these are the only ones I was able to uncover. I tried going page-by-page on the Web Archive and couldn't get much other than these two.

If you've waited your entire life for an Ayu upskirt and Erika (least. japanese. name. ever.) in bra and panties you'll be happy; it'll make perfect Piro fuckup if you want to ambush him at a con.

336 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 03:11


Yea - I got those two from combing through the archive also, but what's making me obsessive about finding the others is the huge cover-up. I can understand Fred trying to protect his current interests, and I don't care about him being a hypocrite, loli-fan, horrible artist, or any of his life at all... it just drives me nuts to see censorship like this winning.

What bothers me most is that I've seen some of the other images on /b/ before they were deleted by Cortana, 4chan mod as well as forum mod for Megatokyo (also look at Wikipedia:Talk on Fred Gallagher to see how he's been monopolizing information about it). Since I've seen them in a thread on /b/, I know that many others must've copied them as well. Of course, trying to ask around on 4chan is moot, so I've gone to a variety of other places asking.. none of which have yet replied.

I've only been looking for these for a few days, but now seeing all the controversey, I probably won't be able to stop searching until I do find them.

337 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 03:35

@@iQ_j@@ @@
@ iQQj@@@@
@i QQ j@@ @
@i@EÍEj@ƒ@My name is Fred Gallagher and I write shitty weeaboo comics!
@i‚Â@@ ‚Â @@
@b b@|@@@@

338 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 12:06


Agreed. It's all about uncovering this stuff. I hate it when people with a singular resource hoard it. This is the Internets.

I know we're dealing with /b/ here, but there's got to be a way to get it back from the source despite /b/tard abounding. Does anyone know of someone who basically just archives /b/?

339 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4630 23:38

0chan.org used to, but they stopped

340 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 00:16

>What bothers me most is that I've seen some of the other images on /b/ before they were deleted by Cortana, [b]4chan mod as well as forum mod for Megatokyo[/b]

TELL me I'm not the only one disturbed by this.

341 Name: sage : 1993-09-4631 00:51

>>340 yes, yes you are.

What's so disturbing?

342 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 02:06

Tell me I'm not disturbed by this shit... Just, seriously, tell me.

343 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 02:10

you should be more concerned about the fact that your post is infected with bbcode.

344 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 02:46

bbcode? on [b]my[/b] [i]internets?[/i]

345 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 03:40


If we're going to work /b/ for this, it's gotta be at a time of heavy activity as well as whenever Cortana's not around. Where is he/she/it located? Near Fred-chan or somewhere on the other side of the globe?

346 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 08:03

nyc last i heard

347 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4631 11:29


At least that tells us he's most likely on the East Coast US. Any /b/tards here come from Cali or further west? We should hit this while he's asleep.

Also, looks like someone's already moving... check 4chan's /r/.

348 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 03:45

Has anyone considered forming a society for this sole purpose? So we can move beyond this thread and start really getting moving?

350 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 10:09

100 points to >>349!

351 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 10:39

1) >>349 is a god among men
2) post more
3) the file names are obviously timestamps, so these must have originally been taken from another imageboard and then put on imageshack. Does anybody know which board was it?

352 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 10:56

They look to recent to be from 4chan.

iichan perhaps?

353 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 11:03

4chan doesn't have the two letters on the end of the filenames...only the timestamp and some random extra numbers

354 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 11:07

355 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 11:13

Imageshack adds letters to the end of filenames

356 Name: td~ : 1993-09-4633 11:31


1) Gods have insomnia too
2) The only other 2 I have were in the thread already
3) 4chan's /b/ sometime last night, they were posted in one of the moot+fred picture threads, they were gone about 5 minutes after I spotted them D:!

357 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 12:44

If anyone finds any more blurred pics, put them on imageshack and paste the link here. Threads on /b/ die too quickly.

358 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 15:24

hay guys. wuts goin on in here?

359 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 16:39

4channers getting the shit trolled out of them.

360 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 18:06


Watchin' the game, takin' down King Weeaboo the Hypocrite

361 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 19:46

Battle report:

Minor victory for /b/. The Mods of MT were forced to stop the registration of new users by requiring moderator approval for each new user. There was a troll from MT on /b/, but fortunately he didn't stay for long.

The date of the next attack has not yet been planned, but it will probably be in a week.

@ @ @ @ /_
@ @ @ ^ @._
@@@ /^P_ ._
@@^ |^‚a^| //_
@@_@_Q^^@ ._
@@@ _ @@/ @ @ @ _
@@@@@_^ @ @@@@@_ @@
@@@@@@@@@@ ÈÈÈÈ_
@@@@@@@@@@i@ M^j@ )RÈ
@@@@@@@@@ ^ @ ^@@/ MÍ) ÈÈ
@@@@@@@ @(@@ ²@@ i@@@,‚ÂMÍL) @
@@@@@@@@^R@ )j R@ )R@)‚Æ@@, ²
@@@@@@@ i_^i_/(^i/Éi_/¼É> )‚i

362 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 20:02

Fuck this shit.

363 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 21:07

Fuck you too

364 Name: Shii : 1993-09-4633 21:34

There were only ever six pictures.
The battle is over.
9/4633 never forget

365 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 21:50

what about >>307 ?

366 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4633 22:03


Neg; you just gave proof to everything ever. I've zipped the images; if anyone wants them call on me and I'll send them to any interested party.

Maybe if someone from MT who's in the loop will publicly confirm their existence, we'd have a definite answer if these are all.


Those two + >>349's four = six

368 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 01:36



369 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-4634 02:03

>>367 I'd ban you, but I'm too busy, ah, doing work...

fap fap fap

370 Name: Anonymous : 1993-09-4634 07:17

This is the all-comprehensive, definitive guide to this Blurred drama. It's going on a web site soon enough for easy linking. Spread this file, spread this Truth.


371 Name: Anonymous : 1993-09-4634 08:06

372 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 09:25



but the site looks really bad in my 1024x768 resolution...

373 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 10:29

I think a round of applause is in order.

374 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 10:36

@ iQQj@@@
@i QQ j@@@@
@i@EÍEj@ƒ@My name is Squeeks and this thread rocks cock like
@i‚Â@@ ‚Â@@@ the rest of those wannabe "Piro's Ruri porn-- libel,
@b b@|@@@@@or fact?".

375 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ : 1993-09-4634 10:51

Posting in a legendary thread!

376 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 11:45


"Etchi" is actually the correct spelling, "ecchi" is the "misspelling". Well, "ecchi" is actually waapuro romanization, and highly popular, but not really official in any way.

377 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 12:09

Boo, there are a million and one ways to romanize, go suck a penis.

378 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 13:17

Etchlite Superstructure! Etchlite Superstructure!

379 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 13:36

Ah, the power of /b/.

Now who's going to crash the MT autograph lines at cons with these printouts?

>>13 has the right idea; who's with me?

380 Name: 376 : 1993-09-4634 13:42


I'm not the one who called "etchi" a misspelling, you know.

381 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 15:07

yeah I know, I thought it was kind of a needless comment on the site as well.

382 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 16:12

I want to thank all Anonymous who took part in this. Good job.

383 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4634 16:36


You're welcome.

So when are we going to return to crash the MT forums?

385 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4635 11:03

386 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4635 13:47


someday in the weekend, when it's evening in the US timezones

387 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4635 17:19


Overloaded; anyone have YSI or another host site for the zips?

388 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4635 17:37


Your not missing anything.

389 Name: sage : 1993-09-4635 20:53

>> "but after the threat of a lawsuit from Fred, they were removed."

I have no clue where this came from. There was an event when someone copied all of the artwork and designs from Fredart and was soliciting donations. That person did get threatened, but it had nothing to do with blurred.

You are really harsh on corty. His "admits' post was way before the 4chan drama started. Cortana is a big cocktease and very satirical. He (along with a large amount of the mod's) is a typical goon. Not that 4chan knows what that fucking means anymore.

I kind of agree with the Conclusion though. The pics are tame as hell (zomg nipple bumps~), and I wonder why it was such as issue in the first place. But it is more the mods than Fred. Fred barely read the forums cause he got sick of powergrubing assraiders trying to be his kawaii friend~desu. The MTF mod team is pretty much on the "What would fred want us to do?" approach when issues about the comic come up.

Your invasion is weak sauce as a /d/`tard's after a friday night. If you are invading again you might want to concertrate on the 2nd section from the top, "Story Discussions." The average "MegaTokyo Central" forumite cares about the comic and Fred as much as Shii cares for delevoped women.

Might also want to check out #mt-talk on irc.zirc.org

PS: I am still very susprised there are people from #fs here. Do you have a t-shirt? ;)

390 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4635 21:07

>>389 is DQN

http://mt.brentdax.com/wiki/Wikitokyo:Break_room#4CHAN - someone's rocks are really getting off here.

"Anonymous neither forgives, nor forgets.

Go ahead and revert this. We can capture it and continue showing it to the world.

I used to like MT. I used to think it was a good webcomic. Now the only reason I've taken up arms with /b/tards is because of the hypocrisy being generated. Blurred is out and everywhere, and it's not just 4chan that's spreading the word, nor is it the stereotypical /b/tard. If you think that everyone with another opinion is just some overcaffeinated high school kid with a penchant for guro, thus from /b/, you'd be quite wrong.

Like I said, go ahead and delete this. Continue following someone else's ideals and never going your own way. It is not the Ruri porn we quest for, it is exposing flaws. Blurred is the center of a standalone complex: the apparent gathering of individuals with no connection for a common purpose and no other goal. Many people who participated in tracking down and exposing the concrete evidence that proves the existence of Blurred did so solely because Cortana talked down about 4chan.

We are the grassroots that bring change. We are the U-bend under the sink of society. You can try to clean us up, but we collect again. We are those who think that site mods went the way of Silicon Graphics. You can assert authority and we will circumvent it. You can impose rules and we will break them. You can delete us and we will return. We are 4chan, iichan, 420chan, OnionChan, wtfux, and 0chan. We are /b/, /a/, /m/, /k/, and letters not yet used. We are nameless gatherers - and we have power beyond a deletion option. In the open fields of the Internet, we are nowhere and everywhere - there is no stopping, controlling, coercing, or intruding upon us. We are limitless. You can join us and it will end the troubles you have faced, or you can stand against us and never truly win. So long as we have printers, paper, ink, and we know of bookstores where Megatokyo is sold, you will not be able to escape the truth. We will make the truth known and it will either be ruin or nothing at all. The censorship will end, or we will end the censorship.

Viva /b/, viva forum invasions, and viva the proliferation of Blurred!"

391 Name: Sheer Hilarity : 1993-09-4635 21:16

"We are the grassroots that bring change. We are the U-bend under the sink of society. "

Dude, you don't even have pubes yet.

392 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4635 21:30


Nice one! :3

393 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4635 22:07

Betting this is libel.

394 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 00:27

> He (along with a large amount of the mod's) is a typical goon. Not that 4chan knows what that fucking means anymore.

Why should 4chan have to know what "goon" means, besides "stuck-up asshole"?

395 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 00:50

I'm not entirely sure, but I think in this case 'goon' is referring to Something Awful, which only makes me question the poster again.


396 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 03:30

I wonder if Stand-Alone Complex is a valid psychiatric term?

397 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 03:48

398 Name: chris : 1993-09-4636 08:59

This is Chris. I wrote a lot up there. I found the Wayback Archive a while back, and posted the first two clothed pictures on 4chan. This has been an amazing trip so far. Seeing everyone work together. Some of us have remained vigilant and intellegent, like the "Anonymous does not forget" speech. Others have been goddamn retarded and invaded a forum nobody gives a shit about.

What have I been doing since the book came out? Preparing, and stuffing. Barnes and Noble. Waldenbooks. Books-A-Million. There are so many bookstores in my town. So many stacks of MegaTokyo books, waiting to have Fred's "extra pages" placed in them. All with a link to that charmingly accurate website, which, incidentally, should be updated with Anonymous's wiki speech.

So, what happens now? Otakon. Otakon will be the last stand, at least for me. I don't expect to be able to return to the con after this year, but it'll be worth it. We have stickers of the blurred logo, waiting for you guys to post all over the BCC. We have copies of the images for drones to stand in line and ask Fred-chan to sign. I registered for Otakon under a pseudonym, because I do expect to be removed from the con. Everything happens Otakon Sunday. You will see Anonymous stand up to Gallagher, together.

I am reminded of the one clever young man at Gallagher's ACen panel, and yes, there were Blurred Project members observing that panel, who raised his hand. Mr. Gallagher said to him, "Yes? Your question?" And his response was simple, "You suck." Fred-chan responded with, "That's not a question." Without missing a beat, our /B/ Warrior responded with, "Do you KNOW how much you suck?"

Well. At Otakon, let's make sure Fred KNOWS just how much he sucks. E-mail me at crispyfields@gmail.com and see how you can be involved. We'll find something for you to do. Be on the look out for me at Ota, by the way. I'm cosplaying as Fred Gallagher's Guily Conscience.

399 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 12:10

Good luck, soldier.

400 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 12:19

"Anonymous may never forgive or forget, but the rest of us don't care."

great line, IMHO.

401 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 12:58

>>400 indeed. Signed. Much, much ado about jackshit.

402 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 13:02


same person

403 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 13:50


>>390 here. Disregarding the comments that people have made about the speech (which, BTW, is not mine; I copied it from the wiki entry) I am intrigued by this plan of attack. Check your inbox.

404 Name: Sheer Hilarity : 1993-09-4636 17:46

"Some of us have remained vigilant and intellegent..."

Spell intelligent right, and maybe some off us outside of /b will begin to respect that.

405 Name: Sheer Hilarity : 1993-09-4636 17:47

"We are NOT trolls. We simply hate hypocrisy, and if Piro would have admitted that he was an ecchi/hentai artist, then we wouldn't make such a fuss about it. Instead, Piro tried to censor his past, and censorship is unforgivable to us /b/tards."

So... you're trolls. Right.

406 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 17:54

There's no such thing as "outside of /b/".

407 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 18:12

viva /␢/

408 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 18:13


>some off us

Learn to spell yourself


>So... you're trolls. Right

So... you're a troll. Right

409 Name: Sheer Hilarity : 1993-09-4636 18:14

Damned straight I'm a troll. CYBERANARCHY FTW!

410 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4636 20:29


kawaii desu ne

411 Name: chris : 1993-09-4636 22:48

I love you guys.

412 Name: chris : 1993-09-4637 00:14

I also love the Grateful Dead.

413 Name: chris : 1993-09-4637 00:50

Disregard that I suck cocks

414 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 04:05

Disregard that, I suck cocks

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.