Who else uses /dqn/ as a part of weird sociological experiments? (8)

1 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4570 22:38


2 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4570 22:42


3 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4570 22:43

The data collected so far is interesting!

4 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4570 22:45

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5 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4571 06:26

I'm sure I could produce 10 pages of thesis just by analyzing what it means to be menaced at gunpoint by a shift-jis cute girl kopiped by an anonymous nerd!

6 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4571 12:43

So........ where is the report?

7 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4573 04:51

/DQN/ is VIP Quality!

8 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4573 04:53

OH SHI- >>6 said "where" not "what"! I'm sorry for my failure, I was too caught up wanking into my mitten!

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