[( )] ITT, we compare mittens to other sexual fetishes [MITTENS] (31)

1 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 01:56

( ) Mittens are better than shitting dicknipples!

2 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 02:11

( ) Mittens, It's good to materbate to

3 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 03:28

>( ) Mittens, It's good to materbate into

4 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 05:46

( ) Mittens are definitely better than shitting dicknipples. I couldn't agree more with >>1 about MITTENS!

5 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 05:55

( ) I'm not sure if mittens are better than sexy ankles, though.

6 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 06:19

( ) Mittens are...

( -) Wait, mittens are my sexual fetish. How can I compare mittens to themselves?

7 Name: LeDQN!LeDqnM1Jj2 : 1993-09-4584 06:27

( ) Mittens, it's what's for dinner.

8 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 08:43

( -) Mittens are not a sexual fetish.

( ) Mittenuality is a way of life!

9 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 13:13

( -) Don't mittensecute me!

10 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 14:06

( ) Mittens are good for covering large breasts, and well for small breasts it is just precious!

11 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 18:10

( ) Mittens are more fascinating than delayclose.jpg !

12 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4584 23:51

( ) Mittens do in fact, upon further consideration of >>12, have potential to be seen in sexy situations!

13 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4585 02:40

( -) But they do not exist merely for sex.

( ) Liberate mittens!!

14 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4585 13:27

( ) and earmuffs!

15 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 01:11

( L`) Vaginas feel better then a guy's hairy asshole, Junior. That's all I can say.

16 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 01:47

( -)

17 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 02:49

( ) Well, mittens don't bleed once a month!

( ) ...

18 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 03:03

( -) You mine aren't supposed to?

19 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 03:04

( -) I meant "mine aren't supposed to bleed"?

( -) ...

20 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 03:34

( -) ...
( )!

21 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 04:10

( -) ...
( -) ...
( )!
( ) made out of KOTEX!

22 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 10:04

( -) Kotex..?

23 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 10:04

( -) Kotex..?

24 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 10:04

( -) Kotex..?

25 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 14:08

( ) Tampax!

26 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 15:00

( ) Kleenex!

27 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 18:16

( ) Buttsex!

28 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4586 18:35


29 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4588 19:46

( ) mittense.cx!

30 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4588 19:48

( ) Mittenx!

31 Name: LeDQN!LeDqnM1Jj2 : 1993-09-4592 22:22

@ ߁ Mittends are better than Choppari nida!

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