Let's make an Elitist Superstructure illuminati! (70)

13 Name: halcyon : 1993-09-4720 13:28

urm wut?

I'd srsly like to know how you got from here to my del.icio.us page o.0 Or what made you post about said page in this thread. (Or did you mean something completley different?)

Oh and yes, I am a Slashdot user. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my GNAA/Lunix soul long ago and I am happy together with my operating system (which is a cute debian desktop!). We have a fucking lot of friends in and outside of slashdot and I am pretty slim and good looking.

But thanks anyway asshole. Go and watch your stupid anime shit while I have DISCUSSIONS with my Cowboy Neal.

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