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6 Name: Tripcode!uj/koSf.Zc : 1993-09-4671 15:49

Post was deleted because it was impersonation. Any sane person would realise why impersonation is a bad thing and how much unecessary drama it will cause.

And no, names don't cause unecessary drama. If anything, an all-Anonymous board would encourage people to be assholes. And that will just make this one big unpleasant place. You ever noticed how the people with names tend to be the friendlier, more polite ones? It's because people know who they are. If we all went around as Anonymous, we could all be complete assholes and nobody except admins and mods would ever know wtf we were. How the fuck is that a good thing.

I'm not against people posting as Anonymous (But I am sick of the 'names cause drama' bullshit). I am however, against people being forced into being Anonymous. On the flipside, I'm also against people being forced into having names. I think we should just be mature and reasonable about this and let people choose whether to post as Anonymous or not.

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