New here? Have a quick read... (40)

18 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4891 10:24

Read the FAQ and the rules. Contribute reponsibly to the better threads in DQN and sage anytime you aren't saying anything bumpworthy. Saging is not an insult. Saging is good unless a bump is necessary/appropriate. Read through a bunch of the DQN threads to get a good idea what DQN really is. Read the Grandpa threads, they're amusing.

Refer to most of the stuff before your post as an example how not to act: This thread is below even DQN quality standards. This is not /b on 4chan. We do not want this to become like /b on 4chan.

I'm sure there's other things I've failed to cover, but that should get you started.

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