<3 <3 [Literature] The DQN Romance Novel [For the LADIES] ŠŠ (34)

20 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4894 16:00

>>12 is a young, single woman from the >>5 era. She lives in a >>14 mansion, and is daughter of the famous and rich >>7. A young dashing and rich up and comer in the >>19 trade, >>22, has offered to marry her and take her away to live on his >>2 in >>25, but >>12 is secretly seeing Mr. >>18, who is a young, dashing >>9. After a torrid love affair, >>12's father finds out about the secret dating, and >>12 and >>18 must elope - But >>22 chases after them using his >>17! A chase erupts, and >>22 eventually >>15.

The conclusion to the story is >>8.

(Published by DQN Press (C) MMXXICILMX September SIXTH EDITION revised)

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