ITT we insult the poster above us [PART VI] (999)

174 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4959 10:51

Enough fucking around, >>173. Let's get down to brass tacks, here.

How much is it going to cost to lock you up in a cabinet and pump you all full of my babies.

I want to pay you money to make you stop talking and start ovulating in your rectum.

The only writing you are going to be doing is letters to the fat chinese midwife.

It doesn't matter how many degrees and PHD's you have in the dark.

I have buckets of popcorn shrimp on hand to eat while fucking.

There are fresh linens and towels for the afterbirth.

The neighbors might complain about the smell.

They might be awoken be your moaning.

Your colon is my sodomy uterus.

Im gonna fuck your butt.

Make some butt baby.

So how much, huh.

Lets negotiate.

Like jews.



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