CTRL+V THREAD! [part 2] (999)

68 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-5053 03:00

Cologne gasped in fright. "No! Not him! May the ancestors protect us!" She
shouted to the table at the far side of the yard. "What are you waiting for?
He's a demon! We've got to send him back to hell!"

A girl with huge braided hoops in her hair jumped into the air, somersaulted
and shouted a transformation phrase. "I hold no enmity against those coerced
into evil... But to those vile beings who toy with the hearts and souls of
men..." She added, "or women." For an instant, her clothes vanished, she
twirled with her arms outstretched and landed wearing a red silk Chinese
style long dress with a ying-yang symbol on her chest. "We, since the time
of Ancient Gods, have been your destroyers. Now, the 108th generation Devil
Hunter, Yohko, is here! Beware!" A long two handed sword appeared out of
nowhere and she stood in a stance, ready to deliver a killing blow on the
foul pervert. "Hiyaa!" She screamed as she brought the blade down to bear.

"P-pretty lady..." Happosai drooled at the moment he got a free show from
the magical transformation. His survival instinct kicked in a moment before
he was about to perform long division in a physical way, courtesy of a
magical devil killing sword. He jumped and latched onto the two great mounds
that called his name from behind the black and white symbol on the girl's
chest. "Hotcha!"

Yohko's hair became undone, popping out of its twin braids and it flowed
down her back in a beautiful style blowing in the breeze. The girl gave out
a primeval scream as the creature from hell touched her in just the wrong
way. "ARGH! Get it off me!" She bashed the little freak with the hilt of her
blade repeatedly, but it had no effect on him. Since that tactic didn't
work, she reversed her sword and jammed the pointed end between herself and
the gnome in an attempt to pry the little monster off. She wiggled her
blade, twisting and turning it to get some sort of leverage, but the little
man was attached to her breasts too tight and wouldn't let go.

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