Historic moments on 4-ch (30)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-30 21:31 ID:niUmZScv

4-ch has been around for about nine months... have you found anything about it memorable?

Here's a historic moment: the first time an English-speaker has ever admitted to fapping to AA.

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-30 22:04 ID:Heaven

> have you found anything about it memorable

Not really to be honest.

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-30 22:30 ID:Y0McWOyF

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-31 09:33 ID:Heaven

History also was when about half of all threads except in /dqn/ got lost a few months after 4-ch's inception.

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-31 14:09 ID:2K7mgfLS

I think the fact that there's a thread about masturbation and people are at least being semi-serious about the topic says a lot about the six people who hang around here. 4-ch is Bizarro 4chan in reverse!

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-31 17:26 ID:Heaven

>>6 says a lot about the six people who hang around here
I found 4-ch accidentally while trying to get to 4chan.
It's a cool place; /b/-like activities are somewhat confined within DQN, which is great!

8 Name: !!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-08-31 21:53 ID:Heaven

> six people who hang around

And the 26,000~ individual IP addresses who pay us visits, either to post, or the occasional search engine.

9 Name: 4-ch user № 7 2005-08-31 22:06 ID:Heaven

A truly historical event on 4-ch would consist in getting many non-otaku people to post on here. Kind of like what happened here: http://4-ch.net/music/kareha.pl/1119526037

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-01 05:38 ID:jO/cn2k0

My favorite mixture of a 4-ch and a 2ch meme:


11 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-05 15:45 ID:Heaven

Shii, author of Shiichan and admin of world4ch links to 4-ch on said website, gets his admin status revoked by moot because of that:

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-10 19:30 ID:ZsOM0pOK

>And the 26,000~ individual IP addresses who pay us visits, either to post, or the occasional search engine.

what is proxy

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-10 19:30 ID:Heaven


14 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 00:05 ID:ZsOM0pOK

cant you read?
i asked, WHAT IS PROXY

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 00:22 ID:zPqPce5i

You mean, "What is a proxy?"

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 00:24 ID:Heaven

>>14 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server
In simple terms, you make indirect connections to for example a webserver throu a computer running proxy server.

17 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 01:08 ID:Heaven

How would that be relevant in any way?

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 02:13 ID:Heaven

This isn't Jeopardy

19 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 02:16 ID:Heaven

Why sir, are you implying that a lot of 4-ch traffic has the source IP faked for no reason?

20 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-10-11 03:05 ID:Heaven

> Shii... gets his admin status revoked by moot because of that

And world4ch gets left for dead. :(

21 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 03:14 ID:Heaven

They still have MVB, so not all is lost.

22 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-01 22:40 ID:zZoHzCyJ

bump for *zOMG***HappyBirthday!!**

23 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-01 22:41 ID:Heaven

...and sage for failed post

Happy Birthday

24 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-01 23:07 ID:SSKdnYun

I fake my ip to be happy. You should too.

25 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-02 00:02 ID:0iiTOVeY


26 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-02 00:02 ID:0iiTOVeY


27 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-03 03:48 ID:aczfbZk9


28 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-24 05:38 ID:kKLKNZPU

This is the greatest thread on 4-ch since the original Grandpa thread:


29 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-26 00:57 ID:+Z3XMCsR

Most historic was the "So what's actually so wrong about incest?" tread:
And when moot made world4ch , what a joke.

30 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-26 06:26 ID:Heaven


and the practical application of the Yoshinoya Rant kopipe at 5<<.
(and http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1102173036/ for the YR meme in English.)

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