Introversion (34)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-22 23:08 ID:OdVw03MV

Im a student in high school, single, 16 years old, normal guy into games and anime and whatever. Over the course of 2 months, ive started to become more and more introverted. Lately, people just start to piss me off like crazy over the smallest things, then i go home feeling really sad. I dont hang out with anyone anymore like i used to. Girls, hah, theyre evil, what else is there to say? Basically, Ive started to just hate everyone. Before I used to normally go out, hang out with friends, etc. etc. etc. But now, i go home everday afterschool, do homework and study for 8hrs, then sleep, and just play video games all weekend in my room. Ive even already decided Im not going to prom. I dont feel bad or lonely or watever, but im pretty sure this behavior isnt healthy, I guess i just dont care about myself socially anymore. This damn christmas season too, damn people should donate more.... Mabye Im not being specific enough, but thats all i can put into words. Anyone got any ideas on how to reverse this introversion?

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-23 00:15 ID:Heaven

Maybe you could join the anime club at your school or something like that.

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-23 13:20 ID:uwVCIyKO

Talk to people. Even though you hate them, it's the only way.

I used to hate people before, but I realized people are all we have. Also, the more introverted you get, the more pissed you will get by the smaller things.

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-23 14:50 ID:uZyJkyag

I feel ya...partly. That's sorta what happens during most of my holidays. But I gotta admire your drive for being able to study and do homework for 8 hours man. Respect.

And yeah, I guess you gotta start slowly by talking with people more during school and stuff, then work your way to hanging out after class.

5 Name: Somethig...something 2005-12-24 01:32 ID:N+vSoysG

>>1 Nothing wrong with that. Just work hard during the week, and play hard on the weekends if you aren't being raped with homework. Everybody knows girls are evil, that's why you fuck their brains out and cum all over their face like the dirty sluts they are.

Since you are in fact, geniune, I am going to post a linkt to an e-book I want you to read. Read it, then fuck all the girls you can pick up like a porn star. This will do wonders for ya, believe me.

Now download that book and make me proud!!

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-24 03:44 ID:KSDXy/lk

Girls are evil??? What's wrong with you, you fucking psycho?

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-24 06:20 ID:aCu1xmn5

Girls are evil. It has been scientifically proven.

8 Name: 1 2005-12-24 06:36 ID:OdVw03MV

well, ive had some experiences with girls, but i think theyre way too much of a hassle these days now. i dont even bother with them anymore, not to mention, a huge huge huge distraction, even tho, i may take a glance here or there at an attractive looking girl....i suppose its just physical

9 Name: 1 2005-12-24 06:39 ID:OdVw03MV

oh yes, this holiday season, have a heart instead of that louis vuitton bag or pair of guess jeans and GO DONATE! (also what ive been saying to many a girl with a vain personalities, in vain)

10 Name: 1 2005-12-24 07:03 ID:OdVw03MV

agh, ok ok, yeah, srry >>5 that book makes me like, even more depressed, its like it wants me to give up on girls completly now >_<

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-24 07:48 ID:Heaven

Donate what? to whom?

12 Name: Somethig...something 2005-12-24 11:46 ID:N+vSoysG

>>10 Just take the advice that he gives and use it on girls. It's depressing because the book doesn't beat around the bush with girls personalities. Girls will always tell you, "I want a nice guy", but then yet they'll go to you and bitch about the jerk they are fucking. You become their emotional tampon while the jerk gets the tang. And that is why girls are evil. They have no problem with using guys like tampons to absorb their bloody mess.

So yeah, take his advice, be the man, and get a few girls. You're young right now, so don't even consider a real serious relationship unless you want to know what marriage feels like.

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-24 13:42 ID:Qdydeqt2

Is >>5's ebook thingy David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating?

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-26 06:02 ID:Heaven

it seems to be so!

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-01 11:39 ID:DXhGu+wb

Being introverted is a monster that will grow in time.
In high school i was the kid who walked around during luch time
because i didnt have any friends to sit with. Strange though, the solitude was more comforting. I was much more comfortable reading manga, playing video games, watching films, playing an listening to music. My teachers and other peers viewed me as strange and even scary i think. Four years and no friends. Not even fellow nerds. After highschool i attempted several jobs, no schooling though, i just wasnt motivated.

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-01 11:40 ID:DXhGu+wb

A few years ago i started working at UPS, and while i was still quiet and introverted,i found myself enjoying the work. Then i met someone. In short i fell for her and we eventually started dating seriously,i found that for the first time i was actually communicating with some from the opposite sex even and felt at ease and happy. This wasnt to last though. We were engaged to be married, and for reasons i dont really want to type out, it ended.

It has been 3+ years now. She is married and is excpecting a baby (found her on myspace). I am back to where i started. I dont work, i sleep all day, and stay in my room at night watching videos, playing online video games, internet. Im 22 years old and will turn 23 in Feb. I cant, and wont even go to the store to buy cigarettes. I have my mother or father pick me up the things i need.

Being an avid gamer you would think id even be able to set foot in a store like EB or GameStop, but i dont.
I order everything i want online. I have literally become a hermit. Anyways sorry for the long and pathetic post.
My point is from an extreme introverted person like me to, someone who seems to be taking that same path. Dont let it get out of hand, or it will be too much to handle in later life.

I slept through the New Year, only to get up around 1:50 am to get online to play a videogame. I didnt even realize that another year has stareted. Time doesnt really seem to mean much to me anymore. Just another day that i am alone.

17 Name: 1 2006-01-02 08:38 ID:1YG9+t/j

I spent new years playing dungeons and dragons with 4 guys in my friends basement till 12:30, yep....IM GETTIN OUTTA THIS. thanks for the touch of inspiration. You guys, just, stand up =), is all i can say

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 20:45 ID:Heaven

I have the same problem as >>1. The problem is, I´m not motivated enough to do anything about it. I try to, sometimes, but it´s just half-heartedly and never gets me anywhere. I´m slowly turning hikkikomori...

If girls really are that bad, why would I ever want to have anything to do with them?

19 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-02 21:55 ID:TTwMUvr/

>>18 i am hikkikomori...what a life.

20 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-03 04:56 ID:aMVUPvso

if it doesnt get you anywhere, then, why be so lazy still? one of the best things in life is change (mabye the worst as well, but its something)

21 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-03 15:40 ID:Heaven

I'm an introverted female so let's not categorize this as only a male thing.
I was exactly like >>15 in high school, especially that everyone thought I was very strange, and still do, only because I don't think the way they think. I had zero social skills until a year ago, when I realized that if I don't care about a person's impression of me, then I am very outgoing. So now I am okay in public.

As far as guys go, I've met many who are attracted to me because they smell weakness. It's difficult to hold a conversation with them, all they know are videogames and television. I've met other guys too, though -- so I would have to say this is true for every guy under 40. If girls are evil, guys are dumb. Not worth your time!

22 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-04 03:43 ID:Heaven

I am a guy and I would like to sign what >>21 said.

23 Name: 15 2006-01-04 11:24 ID:+aP6iZok

i wasnt generalizing, its not that i care what people think about me, i just have this urgent need to *not belong, i dunno...i am more comfortable in front of my computer then a human...part of it is my intelligence...i just cant relate to Brian Wilson said :"i guess i just wasnt made for these times"

24 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-04 17:33 ID:SkHfD99W

go to work.

25 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-04 21:46 ID:m/Xj3UZf


Thinking you're too smart to relate to people is really dumb. Seriously, just think about it for a minute.

26 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-02 15:28 ID:dUlkCz+I

Well, all I can say is that I respect your ability to concentrate so hard on studying. I am much in the same situation (relating to the introversion), but, instead of studying, I tend to just waste my time away on internet forums, listening to music, sleeping excessively, and occasionally enjoying other worthless pursuits such as watching TV and playing video games.

27 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-02 16:10 ID:h6gS+8EM

>>16: I'm just curious as to how your parents feel about supporting you. Do they still think you'll eventually find the motivation to end up doing something with your life, or have they pretty much accepted your situation?

28 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-02 17:41 ID:G700IWfL

the link no longer works :( could someone repost?!

29 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-02 20:44 ID:Heaven

Don't waste your time reading anything that idiot >>5 suggests.

30 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-03 20:46 ID:mbVM1k91

i'm just curious what it was all about hehe

31 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-05 06:43 ID:Heaven

exactly like me
Attracted because of weakness? Is that even possible? They want to get close to you because they think you're weak and will have sex with them without much persuasion? I'm not sure I understand... You also say they only know videogames/television, which leads me to the conclusion they are nerds?

32 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 11:02 ID:gakWPi71

Introversion: concentrating on external stimuli of a social kind is experienced as draining; most of one´s attention and energy is preferably spent on introspection

Introspection: reflecting on the inner world of imagination and personality

On no level are these two aforementioned phenomena necessarily connected with socially avoidant behaviour and feelings of frustration as well as hostility. The one does not mandate the other, nor vice versa.

33 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 14:27 ID:3M3hBxTv


You are wrong. Being introverted is far more likely to lead to a social shut-in life.

Anyway, I can see some of your points - I was pretty much a hikikomori myself after I lost my job end of 04, half a year I was pretty much only sitting in my room, masturbating, watching movies, playing videogames and avoiding social contact like the plague, because it reminded me how pathetic I had become.

What changed my attitude was simply a wake up slap - I read Gantz, and could very well relate to the main character. I realised how much I wasted my life and improved myself, started going out, working out, get a job, and even a girlfriend last summer.

I don't know if I can help you guy out, just telling you what I've experienced. I really think something needs to "click" inside your heads so you start working on your problems, instead of continuing your downward spiral. This can be a inspirational person or event or whatever.

Best of luck to you.

34 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 20:50 ID:bamE0FGw

WOW! Exactly how I was when I was 16. Basically one of two things is gonna happen.
"Leonard Nimoy saying I am not Spock"- and try to fix what you think is broken in your life. Ditch the fanboyism. Try to conform the best you could sadly, sometimes at the expense of your 'true' self.
Or "Leonard Nimoy saying I am Spock"- that is to embrace the nerd within. Forget about girls. Warning! can cause extreme loneliness to the point of a shotgun wound to the face.
What'll it be? Ten more years to make up your mind, but after that we'll be needing your final answer...

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