No Title (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 06:15 ID:1BqMc1Dg

Elitist bastard moderators with egos larger than their penises banned you for having a different opinion?
Annoying countless threads containing endless fanboy/anti-fanboi internet arguments?
Extremist (religion, politics, sexual fetishes, video games) ideals starting to wear you down?

If so, then I am proud to present to you our forum invasion service.

Need a forum filled with Christians/furries/Wapanese/Bush-supporters raided?

Then please join us at B Invasion HQ where you can discuss prospective forum invasions with other like-minded members.

Whether you are a newly recruited raider, or a fully fledged forum invading veteran, B Invasion HQ can offer everything for all your forum invasion needs. Our friendly staff will provide assistance where possible, and registration is not required, ensuring anonymity for everyone.

Come one, come all to B Invasion HQ

To plan a raid...
a forum to invade...
it's almost as good as getting laid!

Here's what some of our recent unsatisfied victims had to say.

"Despite the well-known fact that there is no misogyny in comics fandom, this column was well and truly spammed - including a post that was pi to a million places and the complete text of Alexander Pope's Eloisa to Abelard - by persons objecting to the fact that I was out of the kitchen and on the internet."

  • Karen Healey, feminist and blogger of Girls Read Comics and associated forums

"As you may know we got attacked by some lame ass hackers yesterday... It seems the hacker deleted our database, so we can't recover the data from the past 3 days. Hopefully you understand."

  • Octronyma, Administrator of and associated forums

"Unfortunately, due to the amount of spammed topics in the recent attack, and the amount of time required on my part to properly clean out the forums and keep a record of it to the standard required for evidence by the computer forensics guys, I have been as yet unable to migrate topics from before the attacks."

  • Trogdor, self-proclaimed "Baninator" of forums

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 12:18 ID:Heaven

The Elitist Superstructure is too professional to work with you in the open, but if you're quiet then there may be possibilities!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-26 18:02 ID:Heaven

if it's /b/, it's not for me

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-27 20:38 ID:Heaven


B invasion HQ will always be /b/ itself, regardless of the rules

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