manga reader 2005 (50)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-17 03:31 ID:jvl6NPIQ [Del]

I want a manga reader that

  • goes to the top right of the picture when showing the next one
  • can OCR Japanese
  • can romaji-ze the output
  • can link to a J/E translator and back
  • right clicking on a kanji gives the definition a la JWPce
  • automatically launches the IME pad
  • allow user input and save

44 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-04 13:02 ID:Heaven


This isn't the eighties any longer. I can have thousands of files in directories, and my computer won't break a sweat. I really don't see your point.

45 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2005-11-05 01:04 ID:l1+4DWpz


  1. Copying and deleting are slower.
  2. Sharing is harder.
  3. It takes up space in the left panel if you use a directory tree visual file browser. This is big for me.

Actually, I wish people would torrent the folders rather than the zips, because then they wouldn't use Windows archiving and automatically create the damn folder.

46 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-05 14:08 ID:Heaven

> Copying and deleting are slower.

Is that really an issue? We're talking seconds here, performed every one in a blue moon.

> Sharing is harder.

Granted, but that doesn't seem a big issue for most people either.

47 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2005-11-07 18:02 ID:Ow4d/Fj9

> Is that really an issue? We're talking seconds here, performed every one in a blue moon.

sorry I'm only using IDE HDD not Raptor or high speed SATA
Moving thousands of files takes a few more seconds
Opening a folder with thousand of images takes even longer. And if you do back up them and if you are loading them in CD-ROM or DVD you will notice how long it takes to open a folder of thousands of files.
Yes it's computer era and seconds do mean a lot of time. I want every thing in my PC be done in the shortest effective time

Torrenting is also a problem, thousand of files create a much bigger torrent file which would be a bandwidth problem for some torrenting sites.
If you use irc or some other p2p, leeching picture by picture would drive you and the fserve crazy.

48 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-08 13:08 ID:Heaven


I've never had a problem opening folders of thousands of files on any hardware, not since 1997 or so. And it's not like you would open directories of thousands of files - you'd still use subdirectories for volumes or chapters.

And somehow I don't think you're torrenting all your files all the time. When you need to torrent, you can create an archive. There's no need to obsessively keep everything archived all the time.

49 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-11-08 16:43 ID:Heaven

I hate it when people archive and torrent data that can't be compressed anyway.

Sometimes I don't want to leech the entire thing, I just want a file or two. But nooooo, I have to waste 30-300MB just to get maybe ~500KB. Righto~!

Tip for torrent creators: don't torrent archives of images, unless you're doing something unusual like BMP + 7zip. Thanks.

50 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2005-11-09 21:21 ID:W7DDErVD

>I've never had a problem opening folders of thousands of files on any hardware, not since 1997 or so. And it's not like you would open directories of thousands of files - you'd still use subdirectories for volumes or chapters.

Well, my problem is not your problem then. May be my hardware belongs to ancient years. Even opening a folder 50 images in the stupid winXP's default thumbnail mode create unnecessary caching in my HDD. Deleting thousands of files can take me up to 1 minute, depending on how I delete it.
I don't torrent all my files but I do share them back nearly 1:1 ratio by other means. I don't like BT. btw most of the mangas are archived when they are share, I don't really need to archive them again unless for adding recovery info. Yes, I'm obsessive to keep my storage safe and tidy.

>Sometimes I don't want to leech the entire thing, I just want a file or two. But nooooo, I have to waste 30-300MB just to get maybe ~500KB. Righto~!

500KB... you are getting one page from a manga I suppose? But that's not a common approach to get just one random page anyway. Usually manga are archived in volumes and it would rarely takes up to 300mb per archive.
Archiving option varies, archiving 20 volumes into 1 piece is not really recommended. But sometimes it has it's own reason, particularly for p2p network I guess.

Well, archive or not it's just personal choice. I don't think I really need to convince other people to archive them. But I'm just sharing my reasons of doing so.

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