Smells Like Nirvana > Smells Like Teen Spirit (5)

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-25 20:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

Smells Like Nirvana > Smells Like Teen Spirit


PS: Somebody please tell me how to get the keyboard shortcut for Page Info in Firefox back (else I wouldn't have linked to the gay ass javascript popup site)

2 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-26 03:13 ID:Jn66UkBw [Del]

In windows.. Alt+T+I or Tools -> Page Info ..

This is for Firefox 1.0

3 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-26 10:19 ID:Heaven [Del]


Doesn't work on pop-up windows that force-supress the ALT-menu which is my problem. Both of your solutions require the menu bar to exist on that page.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-26 10:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

Nevermind, I installed the Pithy extension for this:

And the link for the Smells Like Teen Spirit video is:

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