Ye Goode Webcomic Linkdump (82)

57 Name: DQN :( 2005-10-31 17:27 ID:z+qBdbmu

Actually let me give an example. This might show you how this DQN is thinking.
Copper --
The drawing style is alright. The character design, I have no problems with it.
What I hate is that it does not introduce any new ideas to my brain. It doesn't get me to think. It seems to be TRYING to do that, the author's INTENT may be to be intelligent or deeper than superficial.
However, it's just like every single other deeper-than-superficial comic out there. There's nothing new.
Also, every huge, landscapy panel enrages me. Why does everything have to be so perfect? Where is the conflict? Where is the dark secret of Copper and his dog? They are narcissistic, yet the author seems to be saying, "It's fine to be narcissistic! This is the human condition. Enjoy it!" instead of throwing a giant nuclear bomb at Copper for the hell of it, like he should do.

Plus, even worse is that the main character is a male. Do females not explore and have surfy adventures? 90% of webcomics like Copper have male main characters, and it's just so typical that it turns me off. The female characters that are introduced are only identified by their relation with the male character. It's as though the author had never even heard of feminist post-modern literary theory, or even worse, is rejecting it.

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