is it just me (22)

1 Name: nullpo 05/01/29(Sat)22:10 ID:Heaven

or is world4ch fucked?

10 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/31(Mon)12:57 ID:Heaven

Snacks should get off his lazy AIDS-laden ass and make the reply pages static to get the load down already, like SOME PEOPLE have!

11 Name: Guest: 05/02/02(Wed)18:30 ID:Heaven

WAKAchan welcomes careful drivers.

12 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 05/02/15(Tue)07:14 ID:Heaven


done with the post highlight stuff still working!

13 Name: W.T. Snacks!TcT.PTG1.2 05/02/16(Wed)10:10 ID:Xw4BYx1X

14 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/16(Wed)12:36 ID:MiGvi9OW


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