Muslims Against The World (10)

1 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-09 22:57 ID:+qlonipu

Would have liked a current affairs board for this as I'm not sure it fits in. Anyways.

Muslim/Middle Eastern nations.
US: For peace and prosperity or Blood for Oil?
Europe: Common sense or Faggotry?

Are they STILL looking for Bin Laden????!11??1one


2 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-10 19:41 ID:Heaven


3 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-11 18:23 ID:+qlonipu


4 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2006-02-11 21:27 ID:Heaven

"News you can use.
Be it international, domestic or what you saw recently, if it's news, post it here.

Don't forget to provide a link (if applicable) to the article you read it from."

5 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-12 09:55 ID:cyRRuCxh

>>4 nitpicker.

6 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-15 18:26 ID:Heaven

This thread failed to provide me with semi-interesting conversation and facts.

7 Post deleted by moderator.

8 Post deleted by moderator.

9 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-25 16:11 ID:Zs/K0Och

Fundies are against the world, regardless of what religion they're using as an excuse.

A bunch of quotes from BBC's "Is Islam compatible with Modernity?", I do not agree 100% with the selected ones i pasted here, but close enough and is mostly related to my optinions. Though I still recommend strongly that you go to the actual page and read through all the comments there, and perhaps post something yourself. I didn't bother.

"Why single out Islam? Can the words 'tolerant', 'enlightened' or 'liberating' be applied to Christianity? The Catholic church still practices the same archaic methodology of keeping it's world-wide congregation largely mired in poverty, ignorance and fear, the Anglican church is about ready to implode because of the ordaining of one gay bishop - even though homosexuality is rife within the church ranks. Is it really Islam that needs modernizing?"
-Graham J Noble, Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Of course Islam is compatible with modernity. In fact, we in the west have much to thank Islam for- We adopted Arabic characters and text from the last golden age of Islamic scholarship which helped us to emerge from our dark age. The only thing Moslems and other religious groups such as Christians have to fear is the 'rabble-rousing' for political gain by opportunist politicians on either side of the debate."
-Anthony Duggan, London, UK

"Not only are Islam not compatible with modernity but neither is Christianity and Judaism. By the way; if there is really Jewish rule of the world, why wasn't I informed so that I could have a piece of the action?"
-Sol Yurick, New York, USA

' The "modernism" of the West is a relatively new creation - women (and men) still covered their heads with hats and scarves in the Christian West into the 1960's - the same decade that women and minorities began to achieve a level of equality in Western Society. The true break with the past came earlier - first with the Renaissance (empowered with ideas from Islam), and then with the Reformation - and the separation of Church and State. Islam as a religion is not the problem. Islam as a vehicle of power - which necessitates the silencing of discourse and progress - is. Go to the root of any religion, and you will find the ideals to be great and good. It is the interpretation and implementation of a narrow set of ideals that serve the purpose of power that pervert the enlightenment of any religion. George Bush and his "Christian" cronies are as much evidence of that as any Wahabi mullah.'
-Greg Gutbezahl, Montclair NJ USA

"Islam can be made compatible with modernity. Witness the flourishing of mathematics, astronomy, medicine and philosophy during Islam's heyday. However, for Islam to get back to that level of openness would require the larger Muslim community to wrest Islam back from the fanatical mullahs who have hijacked Islam for the past several centuries."
-Ghulam Faruki, Queensbury NY USA

" Islam, like other religions, is a code to implement in one's life. However, once the followers feel that they are morally superior to others, then that is when a code becomes an ideology. History shows that faiths/religions succumbing, at some point in time, to such a fate. Religions should never over-ride our humanity. This is, sadly, the case with all popular and organized religions."
Adel Abunawass, Georgia, USA

"I'm sorry but I really do not see the connection between Islam and terrorism. Even though they say they commit these atrocities in the name of Islam that does not make it true. Also I do not see the connection between Islam and the West. One is a geographical group and the other is a religious community. It like comparing Africa and Judaism. I think the whole premise of this page is to incite debate on a non-subject and blur the real issue which is American world domination and the economic reasons America needs to secure oil supplies."
Daivid, Bergen, Norway

" The question should be "is religion compatible with modernity?" In spite of the renaissance 600 years ago in Christianity, there still is many backward and irrational thinking as well as practice in the Christian world. The seemingly modern appearance of Christianity was not easy to achieve; much blood was shed to gain those rights. In Islam, there has never been a renaissance. If history can be used as a guide, there will be and there should be. But it will not be easy. As it was for all conservative and religious movements many power hungry classes will fight to the end against evolution. The question being asked is biased and wrong because by asking it the assumption is that Christianity is, which is not a true assertion."
-I.B. Celik, Morgantown USA

10 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-25 16:32 ID:Zs/K0Och

Am I the only one who feels the way people reacted on the danish cartoons (the few that actually were offensive, not the ones that were amusing or just plain nice) is related to the way people reacted at the re-printing of the original "Little Black Sambo"? Not the same, but clearly related.

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