Lets play Shiritori! (ここは尻取 スレ!) (1003)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/29(Sat)17:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

In this thread, we can play shiritori.

For those who don't know how to play, you have to make a word that starts with the last sound of the person before you. Also, if your word ends in n (ん), you loose, and we will hearby declare you as DQN.

I'll start:


252 名前: Freak of Nature 2005-08-04 20:28 ID:lyGE16uM

253 名前: Freak of Nature 2005-08-04 20:29 ID:lyGE16uM

...and before anyone asks, yes. That was deliberate. I'm out.

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