引きこもりが集うスレ inUSA (33)

17 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-09-17 02:23 ID:mz5AmYT6


So in other words you believe parents and society act the way they do because they're so used to following orders that they cannot think for themselves? I agree...

I think it's just a (so far largely East) Asian response to technology. I say largely East Asian because we don't hear about this kind of stuff coming from, say, India or the Philippines or Malaysia. This is probably because they're not as so-called developed as the other countries.

Though I don't see it happen a lot in Singapore (which has a lot of technology, and a lot of people of East Asian origin.)

Still, I think the phenomenon is more prevalent in Japan than in other countries.

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