China Urges Anti-Japan Protests to Be 'Calm, Sane' (38)

13 Name: Citizen 2005-04-13 17:04 ID:x+hTQNbf

China has never thought highly of pure sportsmanship, nor have most other Communist countries in the past. Remember the Chinese sending steroid pumped women (almost becoming men) in to compete against other countries. The Soviet Union did the same thing too, although today Russia doesn't seem to engage in that so much. China doesn't care about sportsmanship, it only cares about winning and looking good.

Note that the situation in the USA with steroids in Baseball is different. That is a business, not a sport, and the players are trying to be stronger and better to earn more pay. People in the Olympics don't get paid, and usually compete only to be the best athletes, not to diminish other countries.

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