America taking over Japan (87)

80 Name: Citizen 2006-02-27 21:05 ID:cgNysuQT

i think there are stories like silent operation (where the sub called yamato appears...yamato has a special meaning) because japanese want to have power to intimidate neighbors. they don't want to make any "unfair" treaties because of lack of power. they want to force other nations to make an "unfair" treaties for japan's favor.

this thought is from the radical extreme groups, of course; i really hope that this isn't the case for the most of japanese.


"Weatherman Claims Japanese Mafia Behind Hurricane Katrina"

similar thing happened in japan after the great earthquake of kanto in 1923. japanese authorities encouraged false rumors & murdered thousands of innocent koreans.

since when the empire of japan was in power to be important at all?

equality had not existed in japan until meiji yusin; before that time (especially during bakkuhan) upper classes could kill any commoners without reason & would not be held for any responsibility.

during WWII, it is known that japan used chinese/koreans as a slave workers & china/korea claim that japan used chinese/korean women as sex slaves for soilders even though japan disputes it. at least, u.s. worked out the slave problems for the sake of humanity.

where was/is the humanity in japan?

>>53 if you agree that the empire was in power during WWII, he was as bad as hitler, but unforunately, he wasn't in complete power, then who was the fucker drove japanese to commit such war crimes?

whoever wrote >>62 is the kind of person who brings shame to japan. perhaps you should see psychiatrist for schizophrenia.
btw, most zainichi are not illegal brought by japanese during WWII, so deal with them.

generally speaking (i know because i lived in japan for four years), wersterners are viewed favorably; however, there are certain races not welcomed by japanese. one good example is zainichi; many of zainichi try to hide their identity by changing their legal family name to one of japanese; guess why.

probably the most famous zainichi is masayoshi son, ceo of softbank. his father also changed his family name, but son changed that back; he felt there was no use because he was bullied in school for being korean; he was born in japan & speak perfect japanese if you are wondering.

i cannot quite understand why japanese hate koreans because i have not found during my far east studies back in my collage years.

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