Intellectual Property and Copyright Reform (63)

10 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!MF8+ySC1 2005-11-05 23:16 ID:Heaven

>I'm not just talking about computers, although more recent programs take larger teams to develop too. Take a look at the games industry, or compare today's OS to a decade or two ago.

This would be a problem for anyone advocating a complete removal of copyright - which I don't. As it is, I don't see any reason to have stronger copyright and patents than we already have.

I like the idea of light protection for so-called "intellectual property" since it will filter out the inefficient people. If games cost a lot to develop - well, too bad. Don't come running to legislation for help, do something yourself.

No one has a right to profit. If something is so horribly expensive that it can't fund itself, it should either be ignored or pushed to a for-loss organization.

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