Intellectual Property and Copyright Reform (63)

35 Name: Citizen 2005-11-08 20:41 ID:ltkbcpL6


>If you disagree with the conditions, then don't use their IP

There is no such thing as IP. The right of ownership comes from productive labour. If I create a copy of something the only labour involved is mine. That the original creator might disagree with my act is as irrelevant as if you'd disagree with me quoting you.
A web service is productive labour by the people who keep the program running and up to date. Same with software support or being hired to write a specific program.

>People who produce IP for a living want to be compensated for their work.

I could staple pebbles all day long and want to be compensated for my work, too. If you're not comfortable with investing a lot of work in something that might bring no return don't do it. These people are not creating things on a contract basis, they are creating things in the hope people will give them money in exchange for a copy. When I am buying a book I don't do this merely to acquire ownership of the physical aspect of the copy but also to sponsor the author (though with unknown authors it is obviously only the former)

As for your comments about the link in >>25:
The "Statute of Anne" is a direct outgrowth of the "Statute of Monopolies". What more are patents and copyright than a state-sponsored monopoly on an an idea?
But of course "property" does sound a whole lot better than "privilege".

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