Stupid MAC people (48)

1 Name: solar!XASJXDqPtc 2005-09-09 19:39 ID:gDccokks

I was talking with some friends of mine(newley converted mac idiots). We were playing World of Warcraft and his mouse stopped working so he just plugged in a PS/2 mouse(while the computer was running, showing how much mac people know about computers). Then I said "you can't just plug in that PS/2 mouse, you have to rebot". Then he said "stupid windows" trying to mask his computer ileteracy on windows.

Afterwards he started braging about how he hardly ever has to reboot his computer. I wanted to slap him upside his head and say "thats not apple you dumbass thats UNIX underneath". But I held in my rage.

2 Name: Sakurina!hb3hogbZLc 2005-09-09 19:57 ID:Heaven

Hey solar, guess what, not all Mac people are idiots. Your friends are. Also, what the hell? PS/2 ports aren't on a Mac. So your point is fully invalid.

Also, what the fuck do YOU know about Macs if one, you think you have to reboot to plug things in (you haven't had to do that since 1998 on a Mac, thank you very much), and why the hell do you think Macs have PS/2 ports... Right, get your facts right before bitching about it.

And yes, Windows does make smart people completely retarded. I think we have an example in front of us. Why am I saying this? Read the above paragraph.

My point is: Don't bitch about things if you don't have your facts right, and who cares if Apple uses Unix as the core? At least it's better than the shit Windows is serving.

3 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-09-09 20:22 ID:qaEewiVW

I heard Macs only have one mouse button. What's up with that?

4 Name: - 2005-09-09 20:40 ID:Heaven

Not anymore. Mac users got confused by the 1 button so Apple made a mouse with 0 button for them.

5 Name: Solar!XASJXDqPtc 2005-09-09 21:11 ID:gDccokks

Put your square emo glasses back on and go back to the MAC store you dumb fuck. he was playing World of Warcraft on a PC, he has a mac laptop i.e. overpriced piece of crap.

Also "who cares if Apple uses a Unix core" people who want a strong robust operating system. Apple couldn't make that on their own so just sold a free OS put in a pretty mac dress.

So shut the fuck up and go back to playing Quake3.

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