Stupid MAC people (48)

46 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-11-04 02:19 ID:QFCiLQao

I imagine that PS/2 ports, since they usually just work and (since they're usually implemented with a 1970s-vintage 8-bit microcontroller) take up negligible space on the chipset dies, will be with us until either Intel or Microsoft declares them dead. Look at how long it took ISA to die, even after PCI became commonplace.

I've seen some motherboard manuals saying not to do this, since it could blow a mini-fuse or even damage the keyboard controller due to the inrush current. I doubt it's that much of a big deal now, but back in the days when every keyboard was guaranteed to have a NMOS 8048 in it, I could see bad things happening.

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