[Google] video (16)

1 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-10 02:57 ID:Heaven

Google Video now allows downloading, except you can only play them on the Google Video Player and you have to be online to play copy-protected videos you purchase and download.

The real face of Google Video, or Steam for TV. Screw that.

2 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2006-01-10 03:13 ID:7OgR5S4o

Yeah, I hate Google Video, and YouTube and the like. You want to show me a video? Let me download it and keep it and play it when, where, and in what application I want, kthx.

So now Google is going to start doing more and more evil things like this, and people are going to go along with it because everything Google is automatically kewl? God, I hope not. Google's quality in some services can't be allowed to outweigh shittiness in others.

People, please stop using Google Video! Let it die!

3 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-10 03:50 ID:YCnIb6h4

Albright, I beg to differ. I don't give a shit about saving the sort of stuff on Google Video to my hard drive. I'm not making an archive of every interesting video of the Internet, especially videos I don't have the copyright to. However, I do want to play it on all computers (Flash player? Excellent!), and I do want a permalink (Permanent hosting? Great!).

As for the DRM service... only time will tell whether it's a good idea.

4 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-10 16:27 ID:Heaven

Agreed, Google Video is very useful for stupid little web clips. It's obviously not good for longer or more serious things, but there are already other solutions for that. Google Video fills a niche, and it's convenient.

Plus, you can download the clips, although it takes a little bit of hackery.

5 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-10 17:10 ID:XPkIdAGJ

>>1-2 are obviously the same person, but I still agree. DRM schemes are lame. Yet more evidence of how little Google's "don't be evil" nonsense actually means.

6 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-10 18:24 ID:Adic3FvX

>Plus, you can download the clips, although it takes a little bit of hackery.

Not anymore. They added a Download button.

7 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2006-01-12 04:39 ID:Heaven

>1-2 are obviously the same person

Um, no. If I posted >>1, I would have put my rant in >>1, not made a new reply for it. It doesn't even make sense for us to be the same person. Come on, now, take off the tinhat.

8 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-12 13:57 ID:Heaven


9 Name: 5 2006-01-12 16:26 ID:Heaven

OK, fine, >>1 and >>2 aren't the same person, but that wasn't my point anyway.

10 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-13 12:22 ID:Heaven

>>1-9 are the same person, trying to make it look like people actually care about this thread

11 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-13 21:39 ID:YCnIb6h4

>>9 didn't have anything to say besides "I hate Google it sucks".

12 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-14 01:41 ID:Heaven

>>9 doesn't mention Google. >>11 should stop fagging up this thread with self-references.

13 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-14 05:53 ID:YCnIb6h4

>>9 = >>5.

14 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-15 14:08 ID:2keTLw77

best thing i've seen so far on google video:

15 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-01-16 16:14 ID:Heaven


You're looking for this thread: http://4-ch.net/tv/kareha.pl/1131125800

16 Name: 14 2006-01-17 15:34 ID:2keTLw77

no thanks, /tv/ is too full of AIDS

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