Last Awesome Movie You Saw (53)

33 Name: Couch Potato 2005-07-01 17:58 ID:Z277I9Ha

"Batman Begins" was pretty good, except for the fighting scenes.
Also, the dub was horrible.

34 Name: GearheadX 2005-07-02 12:47 ID:GtVqqhrK

I agree that Batman Begins was brilliant. They used less CGI and more modelling in this one, and it really did show. Everything looks just a bit less like some kind of fractal hallucination. And the acting was actually GOOD for a change.

But the fight scenes were just odd.

I think that they may have trying to emphasize that there was just something unearthly about Bats, showing us only some of the fight scenes' informaiton to try and make the brain fill in that the guy was just EVERYWHERE.

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