GITS SAC 2nd GIG (22)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-27 01:17 ID:yD11zOMf

It's done. What did you think of it?

2 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-11-27 02:36 ID:4/uW7JF6

Boring in the last episodes.

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-27 04:12 ID:PtkogBsv

If he turns himself in, all charges would be dropped? WTF?
And who the hell were those western guys that Batou recognized in the lobby??

Didn't make any sense ...

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-27 08:56 ID:yD11zOMf


I thought so too. IMO the most of the storylines were inferior to season 1.

The animation went downhill too: four out of every five scenes looked like the second-string animators were drawing the faces.

5 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-11-27 13:59 ID:EMpGg+kE

>>3 CIA operatives...

Did anyone notice that Kuze used his lips to speak at the end?

6 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-28 12:55 ID:PwrljD6L

What? The last episodes were the most intense part of any SAC storyline yet. The buildup of tension over the last quarter of the series was incredible.

7 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-29 11:00 ID:ZvZ31Bkm

Same CIA agents that helped Section 9 earlier in SAC2.

8 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-12-01 09:32 ID:Mg2PYTIk

ive only seen the first 8 episodes and their fairly good, except for the episode with the planes, and that guy dying and the planes going rogue or something, that episode was boring

9 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-12-02 12:09 ID:/dHpa7Ua

it had good ending, but first few episodes were a little boring

10 Post deleted by moderator.

11 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-01 15:07 ID:Vhj64za1


DLkey : iso

key animators

12 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-01 16:10 ID:I1RfQwCD

What is this? An interview?

13 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-02 11:59 ID:Heaven

The file's expired T_T Please, re-upload it!! I want to see stuff about the animators.

Also, the last episode had a lot of stuff in it that was good but I wished they'd have spread it out a little bit more over the series. S1 was still better, though S2 dared to poke a controversial issue... it went a bit wonky.

Kuze :(

14 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-03 18:58 ID:cVqUByKu

age for re-upload.

15 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-03 20:31 ID:I1RfQwCD

I've been follwoing the offical dvd's from bandai/manga and I have to say vol. has been the best yet! The episode about the two children with the prostetic bodies was fabulous and vewry sad. I take it that the girl was Motoko, right?

16 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-03 23:19 ID:GogaHAsU

> I take it that the girl was Motoko, right?

Seemed like it to me.

17 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-04 16:25 ID:LWwhAMqk

>>11 is not GIG. It is a part of innocence movie.

The name who animated each scene is displayed on the bottom of left.(kanji and alphabet)

18 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-05 03:21 ID:Heaven

Somebody, reupload, pleeease


19 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-05 16:02 ID:6qczfcDV

Oh, and I have to say that after the ep. w/ Togusa in the court room...


20 Name: abraxis 2006-02-21 02:45 ID:28AZCRCD

2nd Gig was a darker series IMHO. But it was good. The backgrounder episodes on much of Section 9 filled in some gaps for the ppl who haven't read the manga.

Any word on a Season 3?

21 Name: nanashi 2006-02-21 05:09 ID:Heaven

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22 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2006-02-24 09:11 ID:Heaven

>>21 Batou wins

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