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「 ヽ-⌒-' \i > ) /
i _...||.-.._ .r-'"/ I AM THE CHINESE MAN
i ./_.=:==-ヽ y-.''~ミ WHO IS SOMEHOW A MEME
i ヽ_,,,.. r"~ i i :ミ~ AMONG THE JAPANESE!
i .....::::::::/ i~
ヽ ...........::::::::::::' i
ヽ-::::::::::::::::::::::::::' :i
丿 ::::::::::::::::' i
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さいたまさいたま! > ,/
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 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ / |_ | さいたまさいたまさいたま!
さいたま~~~! │ . ,l゙ | 'ー-、._ \
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,_ / ヽ / ヽ ,/^ `'i,.| / .| .ヽ / ヽ /
" `'ヽ ,/ ヽ ,/ ヽ..,/ ゙l, / | .゙l、,.l"
ヽ/ ゙l、 l/ ゙l .゙l"
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/ | / / 人 |/ / / 人 |/
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/ \ (ノ / / / 人 |/ / / 人 |/
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_/ l / / 人 \ ./ /  ̄/ |
 ̄ / | _ ― 、 〉 / / 人 |/ヽ
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\/ / / } / / 人 |/ / / / 人 |/
// _/
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/ / / 人 |/ / / 人 |/
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ヾヾ ヾヾヾ tanasinn
彡彡 从
从从 ミミ ミ 从
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:::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |⊂ レ ヽ ノ こ (フヽ ⊂ レ ヽ ノ こ (フヽ
:::::::/\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !
::::::/ \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /. 十 ┼ キ . 十 ┼ キ
::::/ \:::::::::::( ノ::: / ⊂ レ ヽ ノ こ (フヽ ⊂ レ ヽ ノ こ (フヽ
:::: ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄::::::::::: ' /l
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:::::: _ ―  ̄ / ..::::::::::..l / ..::::::::::::::::::::......
. ̄ ̄ 十 ┼ キ | ::::::::::::::ノ/ ::( ノ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
∧ ⊂ レ ヽ ノ こ (フヽ | ::::::::::/ l ::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
/:. `, | ::::::::::| | :::::::::::::::| ̄ '‐- ._/
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___/::::::::. `、⊂ レ ヽ ノ こ (フヽ ! ::::::::::::゙、 :::::::::::::::| /::::::::::::
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/ ) ( ヽ
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ヾ /ヽ_,mm/\彡 ) 彡 Who am I again?
ヾ/ 、 ヾ ( 彡
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/ ヽ ゞ二ニン /
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how to make such ascii art?
which editor?
how to make such ascii art?
which editor?
( ・∀・) | | ガッ
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、,i´::,ンシ''″.゙゙!lllllllllめ".:lン'',!.,l゙ ≫ ≪
: : ,i´:/,,i´ .,,,゙゙゙゙,/i、,,r‐'゙√ ./MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM、\
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¬-i、 .._,,,,,,,,/ .,rヘ―i、: ,!:
`゙゙゙^: : ``゙゙": : : -: : '":
I love you.
ムーミン・トロール ムーミン・パパ ムーミン・ママ スニフ
| | | ,ヘ |
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_人 , 人 | 人 ノ┃ .| 人■l : :. :.| ..| 人 ノ .|
\ノ^ヽ__> `∈ |. ∋'´ i__zt__z´.┃ .| ∋´ ノ_j__i_j__i_| ..|_/ .|_(i_( |
スナフキン ミイ スノークの女の子 トゥティッキ―
,へ | | |
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从  ̄ >ノ ~ |. _({}) .|. / ) .| ( ⌒△⌒)
/゙゙゙lll`y─┛ ..| ノノノ小ヽ .| / ―、 . | /三三三=、
ノ. ノノ | | (~^◇^) .| ん′ | .| (,6三三三i)
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フィリフヨンカ ヘムレン ニョロニョロ モラン
o┐ | | |
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I'll make this clear: I have no qualms with most ascii art here.
Lolicon and Shotacon is not acceptable in ascii or image form anywhere on 4-ch. This rule will be enforced.
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|Д`) No one is here.
|⊂ I can dance now !
♪ ☆
ヽ(´Д`;)ノ RANTA TAN
♪ ☆
ヽ(;´Д`)ノ RANTA TAN
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[ (★) ]_ / 人 ミ ,,, ~,,,ノ n Thanl You My Friends ■■-っ┌───────┐ ̄\ ( ゚Д゚ ,,)∩゛ /=つつ
<丶´Д`> /⌒l ( ゚ー゚)と..ミ,,,/~)ヽ(凸)ノ ~ GOOD-BYE∩_∩∀`/ .| ● ● | .\ ノ~(==(
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WHYYYYYY was there no cockmongler?! I had to make one myself >___< Bah.
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Ah. darn. I apologize about that. I'll fix it, some other day. First i need to get rid of the gigantic headache >_<
Dear ALL
sorry for this sudden and possiblly wrong thread writing.
As many of you might have already known, we, the 2-cahnnellers
are facing big problem.
A group from Rumania whose name is O-Zone is breaking out
with a song "Dragostea din Tei".
The rightsholder of this SONG in Japan, AVEX, is now promoting this song broadly via TV, magazines, and internet with a (apparently illegally copied)AA called "Monar(as shown below)"
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ´∀`)< Hi! my name is mona.
( ) \_____
| | |
He is now suffering from AVEX to be re-named into completely
different character.
So now, we the 2-channellers are campaigning against AVEX
in as many methods as we can so that we can get mona back to
where he came from.
As our campaign goes forward, something weird has started
to happen. Like personal blogs and websites suddenly got deleted or restricted to any audience. Of course it is NOT
YET proved to be done by AVEX, but we should doubt who(right?)
Are we really happy to see our beloved character metamorphosed
on TV or internet?
I say NO.
Please vist the url below and tell your friends about what is
now going on Monar.
(This site summarizes about Monar Case.Not virus nor B-crusher)
We might be just an anonymous one, but we can let AVEX know
how much we love AA characters to get together and say no
to such a immoral, anti-ehics company, can't we?
Thank you very much for reading til the end.
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ) \_____
| | |
seriously, that's stupid
I have seen Mona other places in japanese advertisements and such, I remember a drink label for example. Why is this a bigger deal then other advertising featuring mona and other AA Chars. Please explain this to some one who can not read much Japanese yet
ok I take back my last statement, I see now that this is more wide spread then just a few lable placements, looks like they are trying to turn Mona into the next hello kitty, that type of comercialism is just stupid. You are right to say that it should be stoped
>>68-69 Thank you.
Please Come to
often for communication.
∧_∧ ┌────────────
◯( ´∀` )◯ < 僕は、神山満月ちゃん!
\ / └────────────
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