Cute girl thread (1000)

310 Name: = 。= 2005-06-10 08:51 ID:Heaven

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    /:::::: .:::::: .::/ !/ |:|  |:| |:ト::!      |
    l::: .:.:..:..:::::/  |!   l|   l! リ !:!       | >"Good 2channel AA threads!"
    |:. :r;=、:::/ ,z===、   ,r=、/リ     |
    ',:.::{ (〈、ヽtャゥァ    tゥァハ.、     | This is a very difficult question.
    l:::::ヽ={ヽヽ` ̄     ,  ̄j|ヽヽ.     |
      !::::::::::::`|::|    __  /::! |:|    < What is the diffinition of good AA and bad AA?
      |:::::::::::::::|:|`ト .. __,. '´::::l::ト、 !!    |
    j::/:::,. --リ、 ヽ  ト、:;ゝ┴'、,r|、_.   | Anyway, if you want to see Etch AA, had better
    //:::::! ,.イ、_ヽー、 /   r'´ヽイ }、  | move to followig site.
  /'i:::::::,イ,. ‐゙ー-`ヽ、 、   l|,   `ヽ 〉 . |  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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" Kinoko? = Assistant of Dr.Kiriko" in "Black Jack The Black Doctor"
↑You can see Kinoko? & new type Pinoko's AA here (w

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