When memes go bad (3)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-06-21 17:28 ID:Heaven

│These things were all the rage. Now I can't give 'em away!
                |Maybe you could butcher them and sell the meat?
                   _______       (´曲`;;)
                  |nevada-tanコ1000|    /⌒<  > ⌒\
          ∧_∧      ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   / __  __ \
         (  ´Д)        |         (___E^|___ノ
         r  ⌒\             ト、  , ---- 、 /⌒\  /⌒\
        / ハ  \ \    , ---- 、 H  /::(/、^^, :゙i  イ     ヽ   |
       /     //\ ヽ、  ^^,  ヽ:゙ (ヨb |::l,,・  ・,,{:K〉  /ー-'""`ーヽ |
       |  /     ヽ、ノ |::l・  ・|::l \`l:ト、(フ_ノ:」/゚ ) |      |___>
        | .      / /   |:ト、(フ :」   ゙、 ヾ〃 /.  |____(  \__
       i 、,    / /    | ̄ ̄ ̄U  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|          ゙-'`ー--'
       ゝ`ー-''" <     .|__________|

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-06-21 17:54 ID:Heaven

3 Name: 辻菜摘 2005-06-24 09:11 ID:Heaven

                ,. ‐''":::::::::::::;::::`'-
             / :::::::((,/    `、::r、:::゙,
            /:::::::::::i゙ _/  ヽ_  i::::i
            !::::::::::::|  ●    ●  l::::|  Please don't throw me away!
            !::::::::::::!  し        !:::!
            \::::::::!    _     !::|
             |::::::|     ー'   ノ::i
              i:::::l、ヽ.,_    _,..イ:::::i 
             /ヽ;i \ヽ,.l ̄_,l  |:::/
           /       ヽ`、 | /ヽ
                     `ヽ''"  i.  丶
             /   NEVADA |  ヽ
            /              |ヽ  ヽ

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