[REQ] A thread for REQUESTS! [OBLIGATORY] (18)

1 Name: !!jHlguvSq (Admin) 2005-07-05 22:38 ID:3D1CCNBO

This is the REQUESTS thread. Use it to request reposts of certain AAs or provide a picture or an idea of something you want to see as an AA!
Upload pics here: http://kao.wakachan.net/r/wakaba.html

                           | |       _______
                           | .|     /
                          ∧_∧   | I HEREBY REQUEST
   ==============、            (´Д`; ) <  THE USA! USA! USB!
   /_____/\\            ) ⌒ヽ  |  ELECTION CAMPAIGN AA!
   /7     /7 \ \\         /   r、 \ \__________
   // \   //   .\ \\       /    /7 \ \
  .//   .\ .//     \ \\    ノ   ///\ / /、
 //     .//        \ \ _,,..-''"   / //  // /
.//     .// \/7__/  ̄ ̄_,,.=======//  /_ノ゙/7
./     .//   //   / // ̄/ r /7    // \   /

2 Name: !!jHlguvSq (Admin) 2005-07-05 22:40 ID:3D1CCNBO

Oh yeah: If you want to help out and be creative, see this thread for a short FAQ on AA editors: http://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1104923197

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-06 05:10 ID:sboLqqg/

_∧∧☆_∧∧_∧    //
∀`) ・∀・( ´∀`) ./|  USA!USA!USA!
  (  ¥(    つЯ\|
  ||  | | | |    \\     \\ USA!USA!//
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ     
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  | |      | |     | |∧_∧∧_∧_∧ ∧_∧_∧  ∧_∧
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  (    )    (    )    (    )   ( ・∀・)<USB

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-06 06:47 ID:Heaven


I've always loved that one

Anyone got any famous anime pose ones (I've seen the Gendo staring one)

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-06 14:19 ID:Heaven

` ‐-; : : : : ; ィ/: : l: : : : イ: : //: : :/ヽ: :/
  /: ;.r' ´   !: : l: 、: / l: :./ l: : /  .V
  ' ´    l: : イ: :./` l:、/ !:./    l   
        l: /,l: /__レ_`_ レュ、   l   You can
.       /j'‐、l'´.l  l::::i_ j:::!  l.  
       l  f_j __ヽ、ゝ:::::ノ /   .l   tell me
       ヽ/, -- 、ゞ, ー- ‐ '     l      
          l l ◎ .} ll        l     in hell,
         ,.! ゝ....ノ ll           l.   
      /: :!     !l    , ---  l  >>4
   /: : : : '、 、__ ,.r'リ.、   { ____ )、
.    ̄/: : : :.ヽ --ィ l ` ‐ ,. _     , ゝ、
     '' ´`l: __ト===!ll` ー.、ノ   ̄ ̄ !   ソ ‐--...- '
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     l.f、   .l  l` 'ヽー' 、::::` ー‐‐ ' ァ、::::::ヽ
      ll ` ー- ニ ...イ/  ` ー - ‐ '´  ヽ::::::ヽ
        '、ヽ,, ___ , ァ'            ヽ::::::ヘ
       ヽ 、 _,, ィ                l::::::::ヘ

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-06 14:30 ID:Heaven

>>5 was manga

Here is famous eveil Touko peeking scene:
   |   :||    }} }:    }}:::  }::  }::  } }   /  ヽ
   |   :||   ハリ:   ハ;;_ハ;;_ノ};;___ノレ'  / ::/ }
   | ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄   _,.--‐‐、./::ノハノ / ノ
   | ̄ ̄ ̄`゙ ー- 、    / _,,,,ィ /;;//  i   ノ      A master is out!
   |_ニェ=--、ー-、  `    rシ;イヾ彡ノレ;;;:____} ;乂  
   |ィ{:;;(フ;;:::}``ーミヽ    r'イ;ノ,_, /::::   ,;:-''::::;ハ         
   |\;;;;;;;;厶-‐         ̄ ̄ /i:;;;;;;, -'":::::::/  }
  / ノ          ヽ、   ./ ノ;;;;;;;;;::, -'"   _/
  (_/ )          / / };;:::::::::......  _,,; イ
  / ,.-〈    ヒー---ァ'  /、  ゙入ェ;-;-;''==ソ
 (/ __)\    ̄ ̄   /   フ>、{::::::..      {
 (_,ィ'" )  > 、_   /    // /\;;;;;;;;;____,,,ィ'
  / ,ィ'  / }   ̄     // ノ   Y:;  ノ
 'ー'イ    /        // ./    };;;;'' イ

7 Name: 1 2005-07-11 10:56 ID:Heaven


( ・ω・) Thanks!

8 Name: = 。= 2005-07-13 13:56 ID:Heaven

    _ノ  ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,;;;;::,,,,,,,;;;;;`ヽ
  r-'、イ、、 ;;::::;;;;;;;;;;. .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . ,'''..,,,'',,`ヽ
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  '|  ,::     '、__ )' ´`'         .::;;;iレ     | And so, my fellow 4-channelors. ask not
   `l ,, ,,                  ..::;;;ノ    < what 4-ch.net can do for you. ask what
   ヽ ;;,    'ー -ー─'-─一、    .,:;;;;/      | you can do for your 4-ch. net.
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        l    /、    人    /

9 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-02 00:38 ID:Heaven


Not really an anime pose, but here's a nice Death Note template (fill in the names or >> numbers of people you hate in the blanks):

 !.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!.        !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ!         , `~ /|:ノ:/  
:.i|:iN  `      .: ノ  /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ     、____    /::i/'′
小| ヽ     `''ー‐`''  /|/l
:.:トヽ  \       /                      r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ   ヽ、    , '´      ┌───────┤  ||  ||  ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_   iT"´           | ー──────‐ |_...._||  ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── .|
、_    ``''‐N、           |           ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ               ..|
 `ヽ、      i          | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、   `ヽ、   |           |                                   |
、`ヽ、   \  |          | ──────────―──────────‐.  |
 \ \   ヽ.|ヽ         |                                  |
   ヽ ヽ   |  \          | ────────────────────―― ..|
                   .|                                 .|

10 Name: 9 2005-09-02 00:38 ID:Heaven

argh, fucked it up

i:.:| |:.:.|l:.:.l/ィ示ヽミ !.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!.        !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ!         , `~ /|:ノ:/  
:.i|:iN  `      .: ノ  /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ     、____    /::i/'′
小| ヽ     `''ー‐`''  /|/l
:.:トヽ  \       /                      r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ   ヽ、    , '´      ┌───────┤  ||  ||  ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_   iT"´           | ー──────‐ |_...._||  ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── .|
、_    ``''‐N、           |           ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ               ..|
 `ヽ、      i          | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、   `ヽ、   |           |                                   |
、`ヽ、   \  |          | ──────────―──────────‐.  |
 \ \   ヽ.|ヽ         |                                  |
   ヽ ヽ   |  \          | ────────────────────―― ..|
                   .|                                 .|

11 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-03 11:06 ID:Heaven

  ,. ‐';ニ"´ニイ:i!:、ヽ:.:`ヽ、_
!|l,:!:.:.:.:|.| |レ/∧:l:メ!:.ヽ:.:|:.|/:.i:.リ:、',:|:.i:.i
i:.:| |:.:.|l:.:.l/ィ示ヽミ !.メ| 〉ヽ!:|_!:.|:i.:N:.|
:.:.l!:l、.:.:l、:l`ヽ::ノ_, ' リ |i |.,.ィl、.|::!||:.メ:リ
、:.l!.N、:い!.        !く:::ソ } |:.:|/:/
!:i、.i!リ ヽ!         , `~ /|:ノ:/
:.i|:iN  `      .: ノ  /:!レ/′
:、l:|ハ     、____    /::i/'′
小| ヽ     `''ー‐`''  /|/l
:.:トヽ  \       /                      r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、r‐-、
N|`ヽ   ヽ、    , '´      ┌───────┤  ||  ||  ||_..._|‐───────┐
``'''‐- ..,_   iT"´           | ー──────‐ |_...._||  ||_...._|ヽ_,ノ. ─────── |
、_    ``''‐N、           | DEATH NOTE .ヽ_,.ノ|.-‐.|ヽ_,ノ                   |
 `ヽ、      i          | ─────────. `ー' ー‐─────────‐ |
、   `ヽ、   |           | >>9-10             :                 |
、`ヽ、   \  |          | ──────────‐ :. ──────────‐ |
 \ \   ヽ.|ヽ         |                   :                  |
   ヽ ヽ   |  \          | ──────────‐ :. ──────────‐ |

12 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-18 13:13 ID:5+EfDMME

Could someone make AA out of this?:

I'd like to use it for a custom KITA!

13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-04 01:01 ID:/UC0Sigz

Where's the AA of the guy holding up the shitty thread so everyone can escape?


some engrish

14 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-04 02:14 ID:Faft/hQe

I've been looking for that one for quite some time, too.
Esp. that one 404 error AA I found with him in it.

15 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-04 13:05 ID:Heaven


Oh, no! Shitty posts are here!
I managed to stop it. Please escape to another thread.
Hurry! Hurry! Don't worry about me!

16 Name: __________ 2005-10-04 13:29 ID:Heaven


Oh, no! Shitty posts are here!
I managed to stop it. Please escape to another thread.
Hurry! Hurry! Don't worry about me!

17 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-06 05:23 ID:dgrdWl4x

I am looking for AA of KUMA dodging bullets, like in Matrix.
Please help! orz

18 Name: 17 2005-10-07 03:49 ID:Heaven

      | ノ  ,  , ヽ        
     /  ●   ● |   How do I dodge bullets?      
     |    ( _●_)  ミ 
    彡、   |∪|  ノ     
⊂⌒ヽ /    ヽノ  ヽ /⌒つ  
  \ ヽ  /        ヽ /
   \_,,ノ      |、_ノ

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.