Can you help me identify a short story? (10)

1 Name: circadianx_x : 2006-08-07 20:13 ID:2uJg6Gtq

More than a decade ago, I read a short story in an Australian Woman's Weekly magazine. I believe it might have been called "The Gift" and the illustration was of a dark haired writer at his desk with tears in his eyes. The story was about a male writer of romance novels, who was often questioned, how can you write for women. In the story he meets a woman who is on holiday or something in his town, and doesn't know her way around. They have a brief love affair. Trying to find her again, he arrives at a church, where he is heartbroken to discover she was just married there. Inspired by this, he writes more heart churning stories. Decades pass and he is older, and famous. He meets the woman again, this time she is single. They fall in love again, and they live together. At this point, he realises he has lost the spark, he can no longer write great romance stories. She tries to encourage him, but he is stuck. Then, tragically, she is killed in a car crash. I remember the story ends with him returning to his desk, and as the tears began to flow, so did his words.

I'd like to get my hands on the original story again, but I have no idea who wrote it. Can anyone help me? Thanks

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