Apparently there's a Japanese edition of House of Leaves.
I must see pics of this. Help me 4-ch!
The inside you idiot.
The covers are the same.
Why would it look awesome? Just b/c it's japanese. What about a chinese version? Does mandarin look just as cool as japanese? hmmmmmmmmmmmm or even korean?
Perhaps he's the type that gets a kanji tattoo thinking it means 'free spirit' when it actually translates to 'unfastened flatulence'.
There is no Korean or Chinese version.
Greek version would probably look pretty interesting too.
A traditional Chinese version would be most awesome.
>>6 that suprises me that a language with 1.5 billion speakers IIRC would be chosen over island to be translated to.
Regardless, it wouldn't be Traditional Chinese if it were produced for the PRC.
What would be nicest is Classical Chinese. Forget all this Mandarin-centricism.
So this book makes references to Norse mythology, Finnegans Wake, Jacques Derrida and is really popular among metal bands? I think I'll pass.