I need them.
I dunno, I would love a book that will make me cry like crazy, but not if it's one horrible instance after another.
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto
1984 by George Orwell
The Tale of Genji is pretty heartbreaking. Though because it is from quite early on in Japanese history there isn't exactly a lot of sympathy for the characters. But the story itself is a giant emotional roller coaster, what with the lost loves, the deaths of loves, the great friendship amongst a prince and his feudal friends, his womanly suitors, his kingly father, and many others.
That IS quite sad, generically sad, yes, but still sad nonetheless.
I'll make the claim that a Kinetic Novel is still a book, so go read Key's Planetarian. It's so powerful/manipulative, it can even drive a sheep to tears.
If we're talking kinetic novels, then Narcissu made me bawww like a betch. If you want an actual PHYSICAL novel, Socrates in Love had the same effect on me.
grass from his pillow by Lian Hearn had me crying
>>7,9 didn't explain themselves too well.
What they're calling kinetic novels are more commonly called visual novels (there might be some arbitrary difference with regard to how much it is a game, idk). A strange product of Japan. They consist of short story to novella length texts, either linear or with branching paths (think Choose Your Own Adventure). The text is composed onto static animation (background and character sprites, in a sort of anime style) with occasional music. The medium is then all wrapped into a computer program. Romance (of the erotic and platonic sort) is a major genre of the medium.
Planetarian, which >>7 recommended, can be explored here: http://planetarian.insani.org/. It costs money if you are not unsavory.
Narcissu, which >>9 recommended, can be explored here: http://narcissu.insani.org/. It is free.
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.
The last 25 pages have me bawling like a little girl.
Like water for chocolate (or if you read spanish, read it in the original language " como agua para chocolate.)
"On the Beach" by Neville Shute
I agree that Kitchen, Planetarian and Narcissu are baww-material. As the retarded emotional person I am, I cried with all of them (just remembering Kitchen's Moonlight Shadow is... ugh goddamnit).
Let me add The Lovely Bones to combat the eastern literature. Unlike with the previous three books/novels, where I cried like a bitch at the end, with The Lovely Bones I was crying every other chapter, although nothing drastic was really happening. It's just very emotional.
Harry Potter
Should be put into the thread "Books that you should throws in your frnace!"
Should be put into the thread "Books that you should throws in your furnace!"
The Isis Peddler had me bawling about near the beginning
but it only works if you have read the first two books in the Isis trilogy by Monica Hughes
A Feast Of Love.
This isnt a love story. It
s like the lives of people who live in the same town and there are several stories going on at once.
The last few pages made me bawwww so hard.