Anyone read them? I just finished the last book, and they're the best books I've ever read.
loved loved LOVED these books when I was a kid. Too bad the movie paled in comparison, though :(
I loved pullmans work when I was little. I think i've read pretty much everything he has written. I wanted to read the last book of his dark materials so bad that I was on a six-month waiting list for the book before it finally came out.
Sorry to break the fun.
I must say I read the series and found it lacking in coherant themes. It is fantastical, but there are better examples of that, notably by Lewis Caroll, Tolkein, and Zelazney.
I felt the series poor due to incoherancy inherant in a plot of little more than metaphisically and metaphorically bashing religeon.
That focus was fine, but the story (especially én finalé)
was scecondary to it.