It's the frist of November and the annual National Novel Writing Month has begun! Who, other than me, is competing?
Seems nobody. Myself I am very busy with grad school.
Oh hey. I'm doing it. I'm at 33300 words. I basically just keep up with the cumulative count. I haven't been more than a few hundred words or so off. Less than two weeks to go!
bumping in case anyone is doing it this year. I'm at 7000 words so far.
What if you had been working on a project for years and were somehow unaware that there was such a thing as this month. By which I mean November. You could make it like a Groundhog Day thing or alternate universe with only eleven months in the year... Seriously, though...
What if you had been working on a novel for years and found yourself done with it at the end of November? You'd get lost in a sea of hipster girls trying to sell their novels about how they wrote a novel (or whatever it is these stories end up being and my other guess is Twilight clones).
I'd hate to be a literary agent on the first of December, is all I'm saying...
I'd finish a novel if I weren't so damned lazy with words. Poetry and short stories are more my thing.
Novels strike me as excessive. Much better to write a tightly controlled short story