What computer language should we teach? (203)

199 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-20 15:47 ID:lpI69LZv

>>45 just as use of variables shouldn't need to be taught in mathematics at a university

...just...just stop. Right now. That wasn't funny.

I'll bet you don't even have a clue what the difference is between variables that express arbitrariness and those that express generality. Arbitrary variables and general variables. And if you want to step into the realm of formal logic, you'll need to further divide up your variables with adjectives like "free" and "bound."

Varibles shouldn't be taught...that's a good one. Perhaps you'll say next that methods of proof don't need to be taught either? Let's just leave mathematical induction to intuition, shall we? Good luck proving complicated proofs that way.

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