learning C (53)

42 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-03-17 13:06 ID:Heaven

No. Because it is.
But wait, do you have anything to actually support F# or are you one of these fools that like to argue with MS haters?
Stop trying to save MS, what MS writes is *usually* horrible.
They steal a *lot* of code from open source projects, they are shitheads and try to make their competitors look bad (google Samizdat: And Other Issues Regarding the 'Source' of Open Source Code, total BS written by a slimeball who was funded (along with his institute) by MS to write the book)
You are still not convinced? MS threatened to sue linux because they found .. stolen code in the linux kernel.
They ofcourse did that to scare companies that wanted to use linux as servers, because they also threatened they'd sue companies that use linux.
Ofcourse, the linux community asked for the code that's in the windows kernel that was stolen and MS shutted the fuck up.
Oh, you still are not convinced? Earlier kernels of Windows used the (under BSD licence) TCP/IP implementation from BSD.
This can easily be seen in a simple packet capture session.
You are still not convinced microsoft sucks? Look at all the exploits they have for their products WITHOUT even releasing the source.

No, F# doesn't suck because of MS. It sucks because it was designed by idiots.
I'm not an MS hater, in fact, I despise both sides; those who hate MS (which is ridiculous considering MS is just a company that wants to make money, like so many other companies) but I also hate those like you. The type of guy "Oh because it's made by MS right? Eh MS hater? Yeah, what do you know!?! Let's all blame MS because we are jealous BAWWW". NO. NO. FUCK. YOU.

Memory leaks everywhere, static ifs and other hacks because they failed to write a proper implementation. I could go on but read about these first.
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