When did Microsoft took over the programing languages? (30)

22 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-08-15 04:43 ID:hZDo4qV6

To my knowledge, no. Both Integer Basic and Applesoft Basic were in-house projects written by Apple. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if The Woz wrote them both.

PHP is the only CGI language I speak, but I understand the merits of the other P's for Web work.

I don't remember, so I have to guess. IIRC, QB sped up compiling by using a central run-time library for everything: BRUN10.EXE (for QB 1.0) through BRUN45.EXE (for QB 4.5). This library was loaded, TSR'd, and interrupt-driven. The reason interpreted code ran just as fast (or slow, depending on perspective) is that QB programs were always compiled before execution, even within the IDE.

MS also took this design philosophy with them into the Windows world with VB, especially the earler versions. How often I needed to hunt down a copy of the right vbrun300.dll or whatever version programs needed but the authors stupidly neglected.

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